pkgsrc-Users by thread
Thread index
Last updated: Sun Mar 02 10:28:30 2025
Timezone is UTC
- Two build failures: openoffice2 & gnash,
- pkgsrcCon 2008 - Registration and CFP Reminder,
Lubomir Sedlacik
- Linux-specific issue,
Aleksey Cheusov
- roundcube (and/or PHP?) package installation,
Dan Engholm
- supporting multiple versions,
George Georgalis
- Re: perl5 won't build (was Re: python dumps core o,
dieter roelants
- sendmail, openssl and NetBSD 3.1,
Stephen Borrill
- using pkg_comp against the running tree?,
Steven M. Bellovin
- perl5 won't build,
Steven M. Bellovin
- gphoto2 and gtkam: permission problems?,
Steven M. Bellovin
- 2008Q1 binary packages for i386,
Manuel Bouyer
- Error building m4 on Solaris 10,
Gerardo Santana Gómez Garrido
- postfix and recipient verification under failure c,
Tonnerre Lombard
- Building sudo on Solaris 10,
Gerardo Santana Gómez Garrido
- Nautilus unable to browse home directory,
Jared D. McNeill
- Patch to Allow Evolution 2.22.1 to Build on Mac OS,
J. Alexander Jacocks
- 2008Q1 binary packages for amd64,
Manuel Bouyer
- Fontconfig confusion,
- gnupg2 not building,
Steven M. Bellovin
- [PATCH] Add SSL and uulib support to news/slrn,
Michael-John Turner
- mpg123 update?,
Chuck Cranor
- pinentry won't build with gtk2 option,
Steven M. Bellovin
- sparc (sparc32!) binary packages needed...,
Volkmar Seifert
- propose pkgsrc hackathon to submit patches upstrea,
Jeremy C. Reed
- Package binaries for NetBSD/macppc 3.1_STABLE / pk,
Havard Eidnes
- GNUTLS 2.2.2 won't build,
10 . 50
- pango problem,
John Nemeth
- Newbie package creation question,
Zachary Kline
- pkg_admin audit frontends,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- pkg_install & macosx 10.4/ppc failure,
Tyler Retzlaff
- i810.h:146: error: field 'FbMemBox' has incomplete,
- wm/metacity and damage extension?,
Greg Troxel
- problem building modular-xorg-server,
Steven M. Bellovin
- installing PHP pear packages? (and Crypt/Blowfish.,
Jeremy C. Reed
- firefox-linux: abort trap,
Taylor Venable
- FTP client with graphical interface,
Cem Kayali
- libfetch/ftp.c and uintmax_t needed,
Jeremy C. Reed
- Failure building evolution 2.12.3 (duplicate symbo,
J. Alexander Jacocks
- Another one for Solaris 10: gcc34,
Gerardo Santana Gómez Garrido
- bootstrap hangs on Solaris 9,
Gerardo Santana Gómez Garrido
- Problems building scmgit-base on Solaris 10,
Gerardo Santana Gómez Garrido
- define converters versus textproc category?,
Jeremy C. Reed
- Re: issues building misc/openoffice2,
Kouichirou Hiratsuka
- Announcing the pkgsrc-2008Q1 Branch,
Alistair Crooks
- www/gtkhtml314 fails to build,
Greg Troxel
- screen vs sh,
- gnome-2.22 progress,
Matthias Drochner
- net/net-snmp fails to build,
Jukka Salmi
- tex-pgf : missing dependencies,
Ignatios Souvatzis
- nmap not working,
Steven M. Bellovin
- libnbcompat fails to link, in bootstrap on Mac OS ,
J. Alexander Jacocks
- Experiences with pkgsrc on Macs?,
Steven M. Bellovin
- Updating erlang,
Martti Kuparinen
- I've visited your website,
- removal of GNU_PROGRAM_PREFIX from editors/ed?,
Jeremy C. Reed
- is 2008Q1 out? I found the tag and it appears brok,
Hisashi T Fujinaka
- [announcement] distbb - new tool for DISTrbuted Bu,
Aleksey Cheusov
- confusion regarding .include vs DEPENDS,
Larson, Timothy E.
- D.entists Contact List in the United States,
Guadalupe V Wesley
- problems building kdenetwork,
Steven M. Bellovin
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