pkgsrc-Users by thread
Thread index
Last updated: Sun Mar 02 10:28:30 2025
Timezone is UTC
- rtorrent & xmlrpc,
Gergo Szakal
- Ruby crash on DragonFly,
- Correct way to update bmake and bootstrap-mk-files,
- pkgsrc should be more friendly in regards to X11,
Jeremy C. Reed
- pkg_info -E unknown error with official release an,
Jeremy C. Reed
- More Information,
Sinosteel Group Offers
- strange failure: Unwrapping files-to-be-installed,
Aleksey Cheusov
- net/gftp?,
- broken SUBDIR in Makefiles,
Aleksey Cheusov
- lang/guile Makefile strangeness on MacOS X,
John D. Baker
- Hi pkgsrc-users,
- graphics/gle: configure: error: Cannot find requir,
- buildlinking x11/libXau,
raymond . meyer
- LinuxFromScratch+pkgsrc without gcc,
Alexander Nasonov
- summer internship,
reshma dokania
- wip/jdk16 build errors,
David Mentis
- [RESENT] Update for twisted (from way old 1.3.0 ->,
Jonathan Schleifer
- Re: Merging Joel Knight's SNMP MIB into net/net-sn,
Brian A. Seklecki
- x11/Xrender broken?,
Dave Hayes
- databases/py-mysqldb,
Matt Kolb
- NetBSD/current AMD64 binaries,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- perl5 compile prob,
Patrick Welche
- trivial xskat doco patch,
Patrick Welche
- pthread error when switching VLC skin,
- get mozilla patches upstream?,
Jeremy C. Reed
- multimedia/x264-devel does not build on NetBSD/mac,
Erik Bertelsen
- tme and ./MY-SUN4C:8: tme/machine/sun4: No such fi,
Jeremy C. Reed
- some issues with pkgsrc (MIPS),
Jeff Shaw
- Wipathon report,
Adam Hoka
- [HEADS UP] Start of the freeze for the pkgsrc-2008,
Alistair Crooks
- wip/firefox unstable on NetBSD/amd64 4.99.55,
Jeremy C. Reed
- various GNUstep issues,
Louis Guillaume
- undefined symbols on mac os x,
Bart Van Loon
- emulators/qemu fails to build on NetBSD 4.0 (with ,
- wm/dwm patches for the 4.8 release,
Leonardo Taccari
- Re: pkgsrc NetBSD 4.0/i386 2008-03-03 09:09,
- Help with creating a Qt package,
raymond . meyer
- Winner!!! 2008,
Bmw online promo
- Using nspluginwrapper on amd64/4.99.55 fails,
Thomas Klausner
- build failure: sysutils/xfce4-thunar (Thunar-0.9.0,
Brad Pitney
- HEADS UP: Removing packages,
Thomas Klausner
- sysutils/cdrtools fails to build on -current,
raymond . meyer
- MAKE_ARGS not used,
Jeremy C. Reed
- clisp pkgsrc-current mit-clx error,
David Harris
- python24 - Unlocking unlocked mutex,
raymond . meyer
- patch and pkg/32275,
Tyler Retzlaff
- USE_DESTDIR=yes and PKG_DEVELOPER=yes -> shlibs ch,
Aleksey Cheusov
- misc/openoffice2 on NetBSD-sparc,
raymond . meyer
- Linux32 Emulation on NetBSD 4.0 AMD64,
Taylor Venable
- gnustep-base fails w/ alternate PKG_SYSCONFBASE,
Louis Guillaume
- wip/sbcl bootstraps with lang/clisp,
Aleksej Saushev
- devel/bcc and catman pages not installed on Linux,
Jeremy C. Reed
- How to update one or more packages depended?,
Water NB
- problems building dvdrecord,
Steven M. Bellovin
- Re: ghostscript and jemalloc,
Francisco Valladolid
- to compile x11/tk under Mac OS X 10.5.2 (for math/,
Bernd Limbach
- Yet another hackathon: pkgsrc-wip hackathon,
Adam Hoka
- openssh with pam option ?,
Herve LeGoff
- Updating time/sunbird to 0.7,
Yorick Hardy
- postfix 2.5.1 breaks with tls,
Greg Troxel
- [PATCH] multimedia/libmp4v2 and nasm check,
- DRI success on Thinkpad x40 (i855GM),
Tobias Nygren
- please test xscreensaver update,
Matthias Drochner
- [PATCH] databases/db4 checks for FILE instead of F,
- [PATCH] multimedia/xine-lib,
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