Current-Users by thread
Thread index
Last updated: Thu Mar 20 03:03:33 2025
Timezone is UTC
- Re: amd64 - odd bootstrap behavior, (continued)
- netbsd-5 (latest cvs) build failure in src/sys/dev,
Hisashi T Fujinaka
- gdb cannot read kernel crash dump,
Julio Merino
- Panic in uvm_anon.c (amd64),
Julio Merino
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- problems with cdce and/or usb?,
John D. Baker
- assertion "anon->an_swslot == 0" failed,
David Holland
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- Port amd64 build failure,
Paul Goyette
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- various new build breakage (mostly due to gcc-4.5),
Thomas Klausner
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- postinstall not cleaning up after gcc-4.1?,
Thomas Klausner
- error building kernel with included dtv drivers,
Thomas Klausner
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- PCI issues getting ATI SB400 usb controller to wor,
Dave Tyson
- (amd64) Strange browser problem,
Paul Goyette
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- slow su?,
Ian D. Leroux
- Re: slow su?,
David Holland
- Re: slow su?,
Christos Zoulas
- Re: slow su? [solved],
Ian D. Leroux
- Re: slow su? [solved],
David Holland
- Re: slow su? [solved],
Ian D. Leroux
- Re: slow su? [solved],
Roland C. Dowdeswell
- Re: slow su? [solved],
Matthias Scheler
- Re: slow su? [solved],
Ian D. Leroux
- Re: slow su? [solved],
Ian D. Leroux
- Re: slow su? [solved],
Ian D. Leroux
- Re: slow su? [solved],
David Holland
- Re: slow su? [solved],
Ian D. Leroux
- Re: slow su? [solved],
David Holland
- Re: slow su? [solved],
Christos Zoulas
- Re: slow su? [solved],
Roland C. Dowdeswell
- replace PAM with BSD Auth (was: slow su? [solved]),
Greg A. Woods
- Re: replace PAM with BSD Auth (was: slow su? [solv,
David Holland
- Re: replace PAM with BSD Auth (was: slow su? [solv,
John Nemeth
- Re: replace PAM with BSD Auth (was: slow su? [solv,
David Holland
- Re: replace PAM with BSD Auth (was: slow su? [solv,
Greg A. Woods
- Re: replace PAM with BSD Auth (was: slow su? [solv,
Greg A. Woods
- Re: slow su? [solved],
John Nemeth
- Re: slow su? [solved],
Ian D. Leroux
- Re: slow su? [solved],
John Nemeth
- Re: slow su? [solved],
David Holland
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- psrset(8) issue,
Paul Goyette
- heads up? (Unbootable kernel),
- building -current from OS X: unknown machine mode ,
Hubert Feyrer
- pcc build failure last couple days?,
- Re: Cascading build breaks (was: Re: x86 GENERIC k,
Paul Goyette
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- i386 panic in nfs_vnops: assertion "dvp != *vpp" f,
Hubert Feyrer
- x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
Jonathan A. Kollasch
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
Jukka Ruohonen
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
Izumi Tsutsui
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
Jonathan A. Kollasch
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
Jukka Ruohonen
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
David Holland
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
Paul Goyette
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
David Holland
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
John Nemeth
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
Sverre Froyen
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
Jared McNeill
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
David Young
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
Martin S. Weber
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
David Holland
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
Aleksej Saushev
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
Julio Merino
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
Adam Hamsik
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
John Nemeth
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
David Holland
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
John Nemeth
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
Jukka Ruohonen
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
David Young
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
Adam Hoka
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
Alan Barrett
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
Jonathan A. Kollasch
- Cascading build breaks (was: Re: x86 GENERIC kerne,
Andreas Gustafsson
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
Brian Buhrow
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
Marc Balmer
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
Martin S. Weber
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
dieter roelants
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
Manuel Bouyer
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
Martin S. Weber
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
John Nemeth
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
Martin S. Weber
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
John Nemeth
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
Manuel Bouyer
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
David Laight
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
Joachim König
- Re: x86 GENERIC kernels unlobotomized,
Marc Balmer
- Sysinst behavior change? (amd64),
Paul Goyette
- Re: Sysinst behavior change? (amd64),
Martin Husemann
- Re: Sysinst behavior change? (amd64),
Andreas Gustafsson
- Re: Sysinst behavior change? (amd64),
Paul Goyette
- Re: Sysinst behavior change? (amd64),
Andreas Gustafsson
- Re: Sysinst behavior change? (amd64),
Paul Goyette
- Re: Sysinst behavior change? (amd64),
Andreas Gustafsson
- Re: Sysinst behavior change? (amd64),
Paul Goyette
- Re: Sysinst behavior change? (amd64),
Paul Goyette
- sys_select() issue? (Was:Re: Sysinst behavior chan,
Paul Goyette
- amd64 boot broken (was: Re: sys_select() issue? (W,
David Holland
- Re: amd64 boot broken (was: Re: sys_select() issue,
David Holland
- Re: amd64 boot broken (was: Re: sys_select() issue,
Andreas Gustafsson
- re: amd64 boot broken (was: Re: sys_select() issue,
matthew green
- Re: amd64 boot broken,
Hauke Fath
- Re: amd64 boot broken,
Martin Husemann
- Re: amd64 boot broken (was: Re: sys_select() issue,
Martin Husemann
- Re: Sysinst behavior change? (amd64),
David Holland
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- ofwboot.xcf, kernel problems with new GCC?,
John D. Baker
- xz build failure,
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- aibs* at acpi? broken in -current,
Scott Ellis
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- X11 build failure (_pixman_implementation_create_n,
- Port amd64 - still having Xorg build failure,
Paul Goyette
- X11 build failure (1.10.3 XOrg),
- unknown note type 1163097427,
Thomas Klausner
- xorg-server updated to 1.10.3 in -current, some bu,
matthew green
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
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