pkgsrc-Users by thread
Thread index
Last updated: Sun Mar 02 10:28:31 2025
Timezone is UTC
- www/firefox3 crashes on sparc64,
raymond . meyer
- Re: CVS commit: pkgsrc/multimedia/mediainfo,
Bernd Ernesti
- Getting flash to work,
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- pkgsrc in real life,
Jörn Clausen
- Problem with www/seamonkey-bin-nightly,
Pavel Trůbl
- net/ekiga,
Andrew Ball
- print/scribus fails on solaris,
Daniel Vergien
- openldap 2.4.13 and db4,
Adam Ciarciński
- Package binaries for NetBSD/macppc 3.1_STABLE / pk,
Havard Eidnes
- multimedia/xvidcore,
Andrew Ball
- Administrivia,
Alistair Crooks
- x11/modular-xorg-server is not stable,
Timothy Lee Roden
- SPARC Solaris 10 10/08 and pkgsrc-2008Q4,
Piotr Adamus
- latest version of ast-ksh is 2008-11-04,
Ed Ravin
- Retiring Python 2.1 support,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- KDE3 only without SSL?,
Daniel Vergien
- Enable cups for all packages?,
Bernd Ernesti
- Mutt ncursesw option,
Jukka Salmi
- how to exclude an specific package from updating,
- pkgsrc-2008Q4 3.1/sparc binaries available,
Manuel Bouyer
- pkgsrc-2008Q4 i386 binaries available,
Manuel Bouyer
- ap-php and apache 2.x,
- xmms not working,
Steven M. Bellovin
- Fixing lang/ocaml for NetBSD/powerpc?,
Havard Eidnes
- estd when running with fewer CPUS,
Steven M. Bellovin
- Updating math/fftwf?,
Havard Eidnes
- pkgsrc-2008Q4 NetBSD 5.0_BETA/i386 binaries availa,
Ulrich Habel
- You are a proud winner of £ 891, 934 .00,
Camelot Online Promo
- pkgsrc-2008Q4 x86_64 binary available,
Manuel Bouyer
- sqlite3 patches just mailed,
- update to databases/sqlite3,
- where is pkgscr-2008Q4,
- Can't build openoffice3 from 2008Q4,
Paul Newhouse
- bootstrapping pkgsrc2008Q4 on NetBSD,
Asmodehn Shade
- Crash of make in graphics/gimp-refocus-it,
- patch-ab for librsvg,
Steven M. Bellovin
- PKGCHK_CONF ignored,
Louis Guillaume
- trouble connecting to anoncvs?,
Larson, Timothy E.
- tcsh dumping core on amd64-current,
Hisashi T Fujinaka
- Status of AIX as of recent...,
Louis Guillaume
- Package binaries for NetBSD/sgimips 4.0 / pkgsrc-2,
Havard Eidnes
- Problems building apache22 on NetBSD ?,
Asmodehn Shade
- KDE3 presents no keyboard layout,
Mandacarú Cascavel
- roundcube installer fails: DOM NOT OK,
Water NB
- oddity w/ pkg_chk from 2008Q4 on OS X (10.5),
Louis Guillaume
- Package binaries for NetBSD/arm 4.0 / pkgsrc-2008Q,
Havard Eidnes
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] The pkgsrc-2008Q4 Branch,
Alistair Crooks
- www/firefox-bin-flash,
- ERROR: ...bin/strip %swbepm,
Aleksey Cheusov
- libopensync-0.22 with sun c,
Daniel Vergien
- firefox3/gnome misbehavior,
Greg Troxel
- Chinese inputmethod users?,
- Wrong nmap PLIST (was: CVS commit: pkgsrc/net/nmap,
Bernd Ernesti
- qiv isn't working? Am I missing anything?,
Mandacarú Cascavel
- Package binaries for NetBSD/i386 5.0_BETA,
Ulrich Habel
- skey in pkgsrc won't generate SHA1 passwords, buil,
Ed Ravin
- can't build avahi,
Steven M. Bellovin
- Automatically updating pkgsrc to the latest branc,
Martti Kuparinen
- Upload of binaries for NetBSD 5.0_BETA/i386 in pro,
Ulrich Habel
- clarifications for openoffice3/MESSAGE ?,
Jeremy C. Reed
- Die dt. Bundesregierung schenkt Ihnen 2400 EURO zu,
- openoffice for NetBSD/amd64 5.0_BETA ?,
Jeremy C. Reed
- Can't do anything on 5.99.5,
Martti Kuparinen
- printing with firefox3?,
Steven M. Bellovin
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: printing with firefox3?,
Yorick Hardy
- Re: printing with firefox3?,
Steven M. Bellovin
- Re: printing with firefox3?,
Steven M. Bellovin
- Re: printing with firefox3?,
Yorick Hardy
- Re: printing with firefox3?,
Steven M. Bellovin
- Re: printing with firefox3?,
Yorick Hardy
- Re: printing with firefox3?,
Steven M. Bellovin
- Re: printing with firefox3?,
Yorick Hardy
- Re: printing with firefox3?,
Steven M. Bellovin
- Re: printing with firefox3?,
Yorick Hardy
- Re: printing with firefox3?,
Steven M. Bellovin
- Re: printing with firefox3?,
Steven M. Bellovin
- Re: printing with firefox3?,
Yorick Hardy
- Re: printing with firefox3?,
Bernd Ernesti
- Re: printing with firefox3?,
Yorick Hardy
- Re: printing with firefox3?,
Bernd Ernesti
- Re: printing with firefox3?,
Yorick Hardy
- Re: printing with firefox3?,
Yorick Hardy
- Re: printing with firefox3?,
Bernd Ernesti
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