NetBSD-Users by thread
Thread index
Last updated: Fri Feb 07 06:18:57 2025
Timezone is UTC
- If NetBSD can run Linux binaries, can it run Andro,
Ottavio Caruso
- Help! I can't boot my Windows partition any more!,
Ottavio Caruso
- RAIDframe changes its unit number,
Frank Wille
- pkgsrc-2015Q3 released,
Thomas Klausner
- Disabling mic at startup, was: How do I start mixe,
Ottavio Caruso
- How do I start mixerctl as first daemon?,
Ottavio Caruso
- NetBSD on an Intel Chromebook?,
Ottavio Caruso
- Re: Rust on Rumprun,
Antti Kantee
- Dunce awk question,
William A. Mahaffey III
- Issue with pflogd consuming 100% of CPU,
David H. Gutteridge
- Fwd: kern/50187: iwn0: frequency and channel misma,
Ottavio Caruso
- Howto stream audio from server to local client?,
herbert langhans
- NetBSD on Dedibox SC Gen2,
Manuel Bouyer
- Massive interrupt storm when DPMS active,
Mike Pumford
- Raspberri PI 2,
Yves Bovard
- old partition table, old filesystems and old scsi,
Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh
- old partition table, old filesystems and old scsi ,
Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh
- re-introducing ARFE; teaching ARFE new tricks,
David Young
- Why doesn't NetBSD recognize my entries in /etc/ho,
Ottavio Caruso
- Re: Why doesn't NetBSD recognize my entries in /et,
Johnny Billquist
- Re: Why doesn't NetBSD recognize my entries in /et,
Ottavio Caruso
- Re: Why doesn't NetBSD recognize my entries in /et,
Johnny Billquist
- Re: Why doesn't NetBSD recognize my entries in /et,
Ottavio Caruso
- Re: Why doesn't NetBSD recognize my entries in /et,
Johnny Billquist
- Re: Why doesn't NetBSD recognize my entries in /et,
Martin Husemann
- Re: Why doesn't NetBSD recognize my entries in /et,
Ottavio Caruso
- Re: Why doesn't NetBSD recognize my entries in /et,
Eric Haszlakiewicz
- Re: Why doesn't NetBSD recognize my entries in /et,
Ottavio Caruso
- Re: Why doesn't NetBSD recognize my entries in /et,
Matt Sporleder
- Re: Why doesn't NetBSD recognize my entries in /et,
Ottavio Caruso
- Re: Why doesn't NetBSD recognize my entries in /et,
Eric Haszlakiewicz
- Re: Why doesn't NetBSD recognize my entries in /et,
Ottavio Caruso
- Re: Why doesn't NetBSD recognize my entries in /et,
Benny Siegert
- Re: Why doesn't NetBSD recognize my entries in /et,
Pongthep Kulkrisada
- Re: Why doesn't NetBSD recognize my entries in /et,
Johnny Billquist
- Re: Why doesn't NetBSD recognize my entries in /et,
Eric Haszlakiewicz
- Re: Why doesn't NetBSD recognize my entries in /et,
Johnny Billquist
- more on samba4,
Ezequiel Reyes Aragon
- question; how to build individual userland program,
- vs. read-only fs netbsd-7,
Louis Guillaume
- urtwn(4) narcolepsy,
Frank Wille
- NetBSD website man pages down,
J. Lewis Muir
- bta2dpd - a2dp advanced audio distribution profile,
Nathanial Sloss
- How to disable copyright message in the login prog,
Mike Mizi
- AHCI and Intel ICH7,
Emmanuel Dreyfus
- RPiB+/7.0 question,
William A. Mahaffey III
- 6.1.5 amd64 and hot swapping drives?,
Carl Brewer
- netbsd as domain controller,
Ezequiel Reyes Aragon
- dhcpcd with fxp0 fails vs dhclient works,
Riccardo Mottola
- Upgrading an Amazon EC2 NetBSD machine,
Andy Ruhl
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