pkgsrc-Users by thread
Thread index
Last updated: Sun Mar 02 10:28:31 2025
Timezone is UTC
- git on sparc64?,
Greg Troxel
- sysutils/glib-dbus fails to build on centos 5,
- how to get a fix for libflashsupport in (sound del,
Johannes Hofmann
- can't build mail/spamassassin,
Steven Bellovin
- How to get misc/openoffice3-bin to work?,
David H. Gutteridge
- Help needed with YubiKey PAM packages,
Martti Kuparinen
- amsn takes forever logging in,
Josh Brown
- policykit failis to build,
Josh Brown
- iPhone access library,
Thomas Klausner
- mail/mailagent,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- Ruby 1.8.7p249 and Ruby 1.9,
Michael Graff
- x-links,
Josh Brown
- xscreensaver patch,
Larson, Timothy E.
- What is fuse in pkgsrc?,
- www/nginx: checksum fails when enabling uwsgi supp,
Nicolas Thauvin
- Failure building nginx 0.8.34 on Solaris 10 with s,
William Shallum
- RE: libncurses, don't know how to make pre-extract,
Josh Brown
- libncurses, xzcat,
Josh Brown
- perl5 on 5.0.2/amd64: make: cannot open Makefile.,
Hubert Feyrer
- gawk on solaris 10 using gcc,
David H.
- Building with debugging symbols,
Andreas Gustafsson
- mono fails to install,
Andreas Moschos
- ortp fails to install,
Andreas Moschos
- mail/clamav is missing a PLIST item with the milte,
Louis Guillaume
- pkgin problems,
Brook Milligan
- libssh2 - openssl issue,
Victor Dorneanu
- Preferred kde (and qt) in pkgsrc,
- Microsoft Celebrates 35th Ann: Contact Dr Aris Mic,
Microsoft Corporation
Aleksej Saushev
- gimp instability on NetBSD-current,
Thomas Klausner
- *** Please use pkgtools/verifypc to sanity check d,
Fredrik Pettai
- firefox crashes too much,
Demelier David
- courier-imap / couriertcpd libtool failure,
Brian Candler
- ncursesw on solaris 10,
David H.
- Bootstrapping pkgsrc for Ubuntu - problem with ftp,
Brian Candler
- mbone/beacon caveat (PERL5_PACKLIST),
Fredrik Pettai
- [announcement] pkg_status - faster replacement for,
Aleksey Cheusov
- Yet another pkgin(- bug?,
Fredrik Pettai
- I have a list of 788k doctors in America,
- I have a list of 150k criminal attorneys in the US,
Vince Spencer
- libnbcompat,
Larson, Timothy E.
- Java in pkgsrc on Solaris,
Larson, Timothy E.
- devel/ogre and amd64,
thomas nivelet
- metacity on powerpc,
Andreas Moschos
- Re: Skype?,
Greg Troxel
- Trying to install Bugzilla - can't build,
Paul Newhouse
- perl 5.10 question,
Paul Goyette
- a little idea that need help to grow or to be put ,
thomas nivelet
- Building modular-xorg-server on Snow Leopard,
Jacques-Olivier KAPPS
- devel/py-curses won't compile,
Jamie Griffin
- firefox 3.5.8 and NetBSD,
thomas nivelet
- some binaries 2009Q2 for testing,
Jan Šmydke
- Re: tor- renegotiating problem,
Magnus Eriksson
- Help needed with Erlang,
Martti Kuparinen
- [HEADS-UP] freeze for pkgsrc-2010q4 starting on ma,
Alistair Crooks
- Pharmaceutical Companies - Email only list 47,000 ,
Randall ron
- samba-3.0.37nb1 do not accept symbol link,
Water NB
- security/openssl fails on Linux and causes 3507 fa,
Aleksey Cheusov
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