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g++ visibility issues? (Re: devel/ogre and amd64)

At Tue, 9 Mar 2010 21:03:42 +0100,
thomas nivelet wrote:
> hi,
> while trying to compile devel/ogre on my NetBSD 5.0.2/amd64 with
> pkgsrc-2009Q4 I get an error:
> "ld: .libs/OgreAnimable.o: relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against
> `_ZNSsD1Ev' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile
> with -fPIC"
> I've checked the Makefile and -fPIC is already here, is it a ogre or a
> gcc trouble? Is someone here know a trick to compile ogre on amd64?

I had the same problem. Looking at other packages that had similar
errors it seemed to be related to the visibility attributes. 

These packages seem(ed at some time) to have similar issues:

So as a first kludge I disabled usage of visibility attributes.

It's available as wip/ogre for the current version 1.7.1. `make`,
`make package`, and `make install` all go through.

I don't sufficiently understand the issue yet, maybe someone can
enlighten me...? Is this a known issue with our gcc/ld versions? What
is the suggested fix

I will look at packaging wgois, so that the samples can be built and
then it would make sense having packages for


Best regards,


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