Index of netbsd-users for August, 2015

ron georgia7.0_RC2 pkg_summary.gz not found
William A. Mahaffey IIIRe: I/O question
Jeff RizzoRe: 7.0_RC2 pkg_summary.gz not found
Benny SiegertRe: 7.0_RC2 pkg_summary.gz not found
Gary DuzanRe: 7.0_RC2 pkg_summary.gz not found
ron georgiaRe: 7.0_RC2 pkg_summary.gz not found
Michael van ElstRe: I/O question
Pongthep KulkrisadaRe: termcap issue
Martin HusemannRe: termcap issue
Pongthep KulkrisadaRe: termcap issue
William A. Mahaffey IIIRe: I/O question
ron georgiaRe: 7.0_RC2 pkg_summary.gz not found
Ian ClarkRe: I/O question
William A. Mahaffey IIIRe: I/O question
Pongthep Kulkrisadantpdc doesn't work as expect
Martin HusemannRe: ntpdc doesn't work as expect
Chris BannisterRe: I/O question
Havard EidnesRe: ntpdc doesn't work as expect
William A. Mahaffey IIIRe: I/O question
William A. Mahaffey IIIrsync for RPiB+
Jun EbiharaRe: rsync for RPiB+
William A. Mahaffey IIIRe: rsync for RPiB+
Martin HusemannRe: rsync for RPiB+
David BrownleeRe: rsync for RPiB+
William A. Mahaffey IIIRe: rsync for RPiB+
Pongthep KulkrisadaRe: ntpdc doesn't work as expect
Alan BarrettRe: 7.0_RC1 slow boot
William A. Mahaffey III(ana)cron question
Patrick Welchejsonn
Patrick Welchedisklabel fun
Michael van ElstRe: disklabel fun
Christian KochRe: jsonn
Martin HusemannRe: jsonn
Frank WilleRe: 7.0_RC1 slow boot
Thor Lancelot SimonRe: 7.0_RC1 slow boot
ron georgiasamba-4.2.1nb4 Shared object "" not found
J. Lewis MuirRe: samba-4.2.1nb4 Shared object "" not found
William A. Mahaffey IIIRe: I/O question
MayureshPlease advise usb wifi device for raspberry pi 2, NetBSD 7
Patrick WelcheRe: jsonn
Greg TroxelRe: Please advise usb wifi device for raspberry pi 2, NetBSD 7
Emmanuel Dreyfusfilesystem change monitoring
Patrick Welcheipnat and ipv6
Loganaden VelvindronRe: Please advise usb wifi device for raspberry pi 2, NetBSD 7
Ottavio CarusoRe: Please advise usb wifi device for raspberry pi 2, NetBSD 7
Martin HusemannRe: Please advise usb wifi device for raspberry pi 2, NetBSD 7
Patrick WelcheRe: ipnat and ipv6
MayureshRe: Please advise usb wifi device for raspberry pi 2, NetBSD 7
MayureshRe: Please advise usb wifi device for raspberry pi 2, NetBSD 7
Christian KochRe: Please advise usb wifi device for raspberry pi 2, NetBSD 7
Christian KochRe: filesystem change monitoring
Thomas MuellerRe: Please advise usb wifi device for raspberry pi 2, NetBSD 7
Brett LymnRe: Please advise usb wifi device for raspberry pi 2, NetBSD 7
Alan BarrettRe: 7.0_RC1 slow boot
Emmanuel DreyfusRe: filesystem change monitoring
Ryo ONODERARe: filesystem change monitoring
Emmanuel DreyfusRe: filesystem change monitoring
Emmanuel DreyfusRe: filesystem change monitoring
Martin HusemannRe: filesystem change monitoring
Emmanuel DreyfusRe: filesystem change monitoring
Ryo ONODERARe: filesystem change monitoring
Emmanuel DreyfusRe: filesystem change monitoring
Matt ThomasRe: Please advise usb wifi device for raspberry pi 2, NetBSD 7
William A. Mahaffey IIIrsync/permissions issue
Malcolm HerbertRe: filesystem change monitoring
Alexey SmirnovQuick question about NetBSD source code
matthew sporlederRe: filesystem change monitoring
J. Lewis MuirRe: Quick question about NetBSD source code
Brook MilliganSoekris Net6501 reboot fails
Emmanuel DreyfusRe: filesystem change monitoring
matthew sporlederRe: filesystem change monitoring
Masao UebayashiRe: filesystem change monitoring
Emmanuel DreyfusRe: filesystem change monitoring
matthew sporlederRe: filesystem change monitoring
Brett LymnRe: filesystem change monitoring
Ottavio CarusoHas anybody resized a NTFS partition recently?
Thomas MuellerRe: Has anybody resized a NTFS partition recently?
Thomas MuellerexFAT in NetBSD?
Benedek GergelyRe: exFAT in NetBSD?
Pongthep KulkrisadaNecessity of rebuilding pkgsrc after updating the system
Ottavio CarusoRe: Necessity of rebuilding pkgsrc after updating the system
Martin HusemannRe: Necessity of rebuilding pkgsrc after updating the system
Eric HaszlakiewiczRe: Necessity of rebuilding pkgsrc after updating the system
Eric HaszlakiewiczRe: Has anybody resized a NTFS partition recently?
Thomas MuellerRe: exFAT in NetBSD?
Jonathan A. KollaschRe: exFAT in NetBSD?
Thomas MuellerRe: exFAT in NetBSD?
Ottavio CarusoConfiguring wep wireless during installation?
Martin HusemannRe: Configuring wep wireless during installation?
John NemethRe: Configuring wep wireless during installation?
Ottavio CarusoRe: Configuring wep wireless during installation?
Ottavio CarusoRe: Configuring wep wireless during installation?
Pongthep KulkrisadaRe: Necessity of rebuilding pkgsrc after updating the system
Ottavio CarusoRe: Necessity of rebuilding pkgsrc after updating the system
Eric HaszlakiewiczRe: Necessity of rebuilding pkgsrc after updating the system
Greg TroxelRe: Necessity of rebuilding pkgsrc after updating the system
Phil SchillingVLAN and IPFilter
Ottavio Caruso/usr/pkg on its own partition?
Eric HaszlakiewiczRe: /usr/pkg on its own partition?
Pongthep KulkrisadaRe: Necessity of rebuilding pkgsrc after updating the system
Pongthep KulkrisadaRe: Necessity of rebuilding pkgsrc after updating the system
Ottavio CarusoRe: Necessity of rebuilding pkgsrc after updating the system
David LordRe: /usr/pkg on its own partition?
Ottavio CarusoRe: Necessity of rebuilding pkgsrc after updating the system
Manuel BouyerRe: (ana)cron question
Ottavio Carusoresize_root=YES in rc.conf ????
MayureshRe: NetBSD 7.0_RC3
John NemethRe: resize_root=YES in rc.conf ????
Ottavio CarusoRe: resize_root=YES in rc.conf ????
John NemethRe: resize_root=YES in rc.conf ????
Ottavio CarusoRe: resize_root=YES in rc.conf ????
Nick HudsonRe: NetBSD 7.0_RC3
Jeff RizzoRe: resize_root=YES in rc.conf ????
Steven SartoriusModular X or system X?
Ottavio CarusoRe: Modular X or system X?
Manuel BouyerRe: Modular X or system X?
Manuel BouyerRe: Modular X or system X?
Manuel BouyerRe: Modular X or system X?
Ottavio CarusoRe: Modular X or system X?
Manuel BouyerRe: Modular X or system X?
RhialtoRe: Necessity of rebuilding pkgsrc after updating the system
Ottavio CarusoRe: Modular X or system X?
Pongthep KulkrisadaRe: Necessity of rebuilding pkgsrc after updating the system
Pongthep KulkrisadaRe: termcap issue
Johnny BillquistRe: termcap issue
Eric HaszlakiewiczRe: Necessity of rebuilding pkgsrc after updating the system
Dave HuangRe: termcap issue
Dave HuangRe: termcap issue
Johnny BillquistRe: termcap issue
Dave HuangRe: termcap issue
Manuel BouyerRe: termcap issue
J. Lewis Muirsh won't trap SIGHUP while waiting for jobs
Dave HuangRe: termcap issue
Travis PaulRe: sh won't trap SIGHUP while waiting for jobs
J. Lewis MuirRe: sh won't trap SIGHUP while waiting for jobs
J. Lewis MuirRe: sh won't trap SIGHUP while waiting for jobs
Kamil RytarowskiJava ME toolchain on NetBSD
David BrownleeRe: Java ME toolchain on NetBSD
Ian ClarkRe: Modular X or system X?
Johnny BillquistRe: termcap issue
Johnny BillquistRe: termcap issue
Kamil RytarowskiRump kernel - how to make an omelette without breaking the kitchen!
Patrick Welchecvs fix
Johnny BillquistRe: cvs fix
Pongthep KulkrisadaRe: Necessity of rebuilding pkgsrc after updating the system
Timo BuhrmesterRe: sh won't trap SIGHUP while waiting for jobs
Pongthep KulkrisadaRe: termcap issue
Greg TroxelRe: Necessity of rebuilding pkgsrc after updating the system
Dave HuangRe: termcap issue
Ottavio CarusoPartitioning help: what would you do?
Bob BernsteinWheel behaviour
Kamil RytarowskiRe: Wheel behaviour
Ottavio CarusoRe: Wheel behaviour
Bob BernsteinRe: Wheel behaviour
Bob BernsteinRe: Wheel behaviour
Michael van ElstRe: Partitioning help: what would you do?
Aleksej SaushevRe: /usr/pkg on its own partition?
Ottavio CarusoRe: Wheel behaviour
Christos ZoulasRe: sh won't trap SIGHUP while waiting for jobs
Pongthep KulkrisadaRe: termcap issue
Chris BannisterRe: termcap issue
Pongthep KulkrisadaRe: termcap issue
William A. Mahaffey IIIRe: I/O question
Martin HusemannRe: termcap issue
Pongthep KulkrisadaRe: termcap issue
Martin HusemannRe: termcap issue
Pongthep KulkrisadaRe: termcap issue
Bob BernsteinNetBSD as virtualbox guest
Bob BernsteinRe: NetBSD as virtualbox guest
" Permissions to access the scanner
Robert ElzRe: NetBSD as virtualbox guest
DavidRe: NetBSD as virtualbox guest
Jeremy C. ReedRe: Permissions to access the scanner
Michael van ElstRe: termcap issue
Michael van ElstRe: termcap issue
Michael van ElstRe: termcap issue
Pongthep KulkrisadaRe: Wheel behaviour
Dave HuangRe: termcap issue
Michael van ElstRe: termcap issue
Bob BernsteinRe: NetBSD as virtualbox guest
Christos ZoulasRe: NetBSD as virtualbox guest
Ottavio CarusoRe: Wheel behaviour
Robert ElzRe: NetBSD as virtualbox guest
Re: NetBSD as virtualbox guest
William A. Mahaffey IIIRe: NetBSD as virtualbox guest
William A. Mahaffey IIIPAM issues
Robert ElzRe: NetBSD as virtualbox guest
William A. Mahaffey IIIRe: NetBSD as virtualbox guest
Eric HaszlakiewiczRe: PAM issues
" Re: Permissions to access the scanner
Greg TroxelRe: termcap issue
Greg TroxelRe: termcap issue
William A. Mahaffey IIIRe: PAM issues
William A. Mahaffey IIIRe: PAM issues
libsaslc TLS postfix client woes
Michael van ElstRe: termcap issue
Christos ZoulasRe: libsaslc TLS postfix client woes
Dustin Marquessvioif0(4)
Michael van ElstRe: termcap issue
Michael van ElstRe: termcap issue
Dave HuangRe: termcap issue
Christos ZoulasRe: termcap issue
Thomas MuellerRe: Wheel behavior
Gerard LallyRe: Wheel behavior
Ottavio CarusoRe: Wheel behavior
Johnny BillquistRe: Wheel behavior
Bob BernsteinNetworking proves elusive with Qemu
Re: libsaslc TLS postfix client woes
Re: libsaslc TLS postfix client woes
Andreas GustafssonRe: Networking proves elusive with Qemu
Ottavio CarusoRe: Networking proves elusive with Qemu
Bob BernsteinRe: Networking proves elusive with Qemu
Kamil RytarowskiRe: Java ME toolchain on NetBSD
Christos ZoulasRe: libsaslc TLS postfix client woes
Re: libsaslc TLS postfix client woes
Christos ZoulasRe: libsaslc TLS postfix client woes
Ottavio Carusowsrc group (Xpost, was: Question: wip, git, ssh and permissions)
David LordRe: wsrc group (Xpost, was: Question: wip, git, ssh and permissions)
J. Lewis MuirRe: sh won't trap SIGHUP while waiting for jobs
J. Lewis MuirRe: sh won't trap SIGHUP while waiting for jobs
Christos ZoulasRe: sh won't trap SIGHUP while waiting for jobs
Sergey SvishchevRe: NetBSD as virtualbox guest
D'Arcy J.M. Cainpkgin giving "download mismatch"
Jeremy C. ReedRe: pkgin giving "download mismatch"
Ottavio CarusoRe: pkgin giving "download mismatch"
D'Arcy J.M. CainRe: pkgin giving "download mismatch"
D'Arcy J.M. CainRe: pkgin giving "download mismatch"
Riccardo MottolaThinkPad not going properly to sleep
Riccardo MottolaWPrefs preferences of windowmaker not found
Ottavio CarusoRe: pkgin giving "download mismatch"
Ottavio CarusoRe: ThinkPad not going properly to sleep
D'Arcy J.M. CainRe: pkgin giving "download mismatch"
Riccardo MottolaRe: ThinkPad not going properly to sleep
Jeremy C. Reedgreylisting multiple mail servers, greylisting with SPF, challenge response
Matthias SchelerRe: greylisting multiple mail servers, greylisting with SPF, challenge response
RhialtoRe: PAM issues
Jeremy C. ReedRe: greylisting multiple mail servers, greylisting with SPF, challenge response
Ottavio CarusoRe: ThinkPad not going properly to sleep
Havard EidnesRe: termcap issue
Michael van ElstRe: termcap issue
William A. Mahaffey IIIsystem temperatures
Martin HusemannRe: system temperatures
herbert langhansRe: system temperatures
William A. Mahaffey IIIRe: system temperatures
William A. Mahaffey IIIRe: system temperatures
William A. Mahaffey IIIRe: system temperatures
Ottavio CarusoRe: system temperatures
Leonardo TaccariRe: system temperatures
William A. Mahaffey IIIRe: system temperatures
William A. Mahaffey IIIRe: system temperatures
Re: system temperatures
RhialtoRe: termcap issue
William A. Mahaffey IIIRe: system temperatures
herbert langhansRe: system temperatures
William A. Mahaffey IIIRe: system temperatures
Riccardo MottolaRe: ThinkPad not going properly to sleep
Ottavio Carusoiwn0 gets confused about channel and frequency and cannot connect to AP
ron georgiaRe: 7.0_RC2 pkg_summary.gz not found