Index of netbsd-users for July, 2021

GermMintRe: Compiling NetBSD-HEAD kernel sources
Todd GruhnUSB
Martin NeitzelRe: Compiling NetBSD-HEAD kernel sources
Todd GruhnRe: Compiling NetBSD-HEAD kernel sources
Christos ZoulasRe: Problems unpacking sets with ftp -o
Christos ZoulasRe: USB
Louis GuillaumeRe: Problems unpacking sets with ftp -o
Greg A. WoodsRe: Compiling NetBSD-HEAD kernel sources
RVPRe: Problems unpacking sets with ftp -o
Todd GruhnIPF rules
Brett LymnRe: IPF rules
Todd GruhnRe: IPF rules
Todd GruhnRe: IPF rules
Brett LymnRe: IPF rules
Todd GruhnRe: IPF rules
Todd GruhnRe: IPF rules
Brett LymnRe: IPF rules
Todd GruhnRe: IPF rules
RhialtoRe: IPF rules
RVPRe: IPF rules
Robert SwindellsRe: IPF rules
Todd GruhnRe: IPF rules
Mike PumfordRe: IPF rules
Todd GruhnRe: IPF rules
Todd GruhnConfigured a kernel a diff way -- and failed
RVPRe: IPF rules
Todd GruhnRe: IPF rules
RVPRe: Problems unpacking sets with ftp -o
Jason MitchellRe: IPF rules
Brandon WickelhausRe: USB
Brandon WickelhausRe: IPF rules
Christos ZoulasRe: Problems unpacking sets with ftp -o
Todd GruhnRe: IPF rules
Brett LymnRe: IPF rules
Todd GruhnRe: IPF rules
Miko LarssonRe: IPF rules
Miko LarssonRe: Configured a kernel a diff way -- and failed
Todd GruhnRe: Configured a kernel a diff way -- and failed
Todd GruhnRe: IPF rules
Todd GruhnRe: Configured a kernel a diff way -- and failed
Matthias PetermannNetBSD hdaudio @ HDMI
RVPRe: Problems unpacking sets with ftp -o
RVPRe: Problems unpacking sets with ftp -o
Christos ZoulasRe: Problems unpacking sets with ftp -o
John D. BakerI/O error using autofs "-hosts", "-noauto" special maps
John D. BakerRe: I/O error using autofs "-hosts", "-noauto" special maps
Eivind Nicolay EvensenPanic during shutdown on netbsd 9 i386
Michael van ElstRe: Panic during shutdown on netbsd 9 i386
Eivind Nicolay EvensenRe: Panic during shutdown on netbsd 9 i386
Michael van ElstRe: Panic during shutdown on netbsd 9 i386
Todd GruhnMouse movements
John D. BakerRe: I/O error using autofs "-hosts", "-noauto" special maps
Matthias PetermannRe: NetBSD hdaudio @ HDMI
Matthias Petermannuaudio audiocfg: write: Resource temporarily unavailable (Re: NetBSD hdaudio @ HDMI)
Jared McNeillRe: NetBSD hdaudio @ HDMI
niaRe: NetBSD hdaudio @ HDMI
niaRe: uaudio audiocfg: write: Resource temporarily unavailable (Re: NetBSD hdaudio @ HDMI)
Michael van ElstRe: uaudio audiocfg: write: Resource temporarily unavailable (Re: NetBSD hdaudio @ HDMI)
r0llerpkgin does not install anything after upgrade to 9.2
Martin HusemannRe: pkgin does not install anything after upgrade to 9.2
niaRe: pkgin does not install anything after upgrade to 9.2
Greg TroxelRe: pkgin does not install anything after upgrade to 9.2
Emmanuel DreyfusENOMEM during import with mariadb-10.5
r0llerRe: pkgin does not install anything after upgrade to 9.2
Greg TroxelRe: pkgin does not install anything after upgrade to 9.2
Todd GruhnCustom CD mixes
Benny SiegertRe: Custom CD mixes
Todd GruhnRe: Custom CD mixes
Todd GruhnRe: Custom CD mixes
Steffen NurpmesoRe: Custom CD mixes
Todd GruhnRe: Custom CD mixes
Rhialtompv and estd and --vo=xv
Michael van ElstRe: mpv and estd and --vo=xv
Todd GruhnUpdating a package and all its dependencies in a single op
Mike PumfordRe: mpv and estd and --vo=xv
RhialtoRe: mpv and estd and --vo=xv
RhialtoRe: mpv and estd and --vo=xv
RVPRe: mpv and estd and --vo=xv
RVPRe: mpv and estd and --vo=xv
RhialtoRe: mpv and estd and --vo=xv
RhialtoRe: mpv and estd and --vo=xv
RVPRe: mpv and estd and --vo=xv
RVPRe: mpv and estd and --vo=xv
Mark CarrollRegular NetBSD packaging and pkgin
Benny SiegertRe: Regular NetBSD packaging and pkgin
Greg TroxelRe: Regular NetBSD packaging and pkgin
Todd GruhnCant locate Mojo/
RVPRe: Cant locate Mojo/
Michael van ElstRe: Cant locate Mojo/
Mark CarrollRe: Cant locate Mojo/
Todd GruhnRe: Cant locate Mojo/
Matthias PetermannRe: NetBSD hdaudio @ HDMI
r0llerRe: pkgin does not install anything after upgrade to 9.2
Mike PumfordRe: mpv and estd and --vo=xv
RVPRe: mpv and estd and --vo=xv
Mike PumfordRe: mpv and estd and --vo=xv
niaRe: cgd + zfs
RVPRe: mpv and estd and --vo=xv
RVPRe: mpv and estd and --vo=xv
Brad SpencerRe: cgd + zfs
Michael van ElstRe: mpv and estd and --vo=xv
Michael van ElstRe: mpv and estd and --vo=xv
Pouya Tafticgd + zfs
Matthias PetermannZFS RAIDZ2 and wd uncorrectable data error - why does ZFS not notice the hardware error?
Matthias PetermannRe: ZFS RAIDZ2 and wd uncorrectable data error - why does ZFS not notice the hardware error?
Greg TroxelRe: ZFS RAIDZ2 and wd uncorrectable data error - why does ZFS not notice the hardware error?
RhialtoRe: mpv and estd and --vo=xv
RhialtoRe: mpv and estd and --vo=xv
Pouya TaftiRe: cgd + zfs
RVPRe: mpv and estd and --vo=xv
RVPRe: mpv and estd and --vo=xv
RVPRe: ZFS RAIDZ2 and wd uncorrectable data error - why does ZFS not notice the hardware error?
Greg TroxelRe: ZFS RAIDZ2 and wd uncorrectable data error - why does ZFS not notice the hardware error?
niaRe: mpv and estd and --vo=xv
RVPRe: ZFS RAIDZ2 and wd uncorrectable data error - why does ZFS not notice the hardware error?
RVPRe: mpv and estd and --vo=xv
RVPRe: mpv and estd and --vo=xv
niaRe: mpv and estd and --vo=xv
RVPRe: mpv and estd and --vo=xv
Pouya TaftiRe: cgd + zfs
niaRe: mpv and estd and --vo=xv
David BrownleeRe: cgd + zfs
Brad SpencerRe: cgd + zfs
RhialtoRe: mpv and estd and --vo=xv
RVPRe: mpv and estd and --vo=xv
RVPRe: mpv and estd and --vo=xv
Matthias PetermannRe: ZFS RAIDZ2 and wd uncorrectable data error - why does ZFS not notice the hardware error?
Matthias PetermannRe: ZFS RAIDZ2 and wd uncorrectable data error - why does ZFS not notice the hardware error?
Michael van ElstRe: ZFS RAIDZ2 and wd uncorrectable data error - why does ZFS not notice the hardware error?
Michael van ElstRe: ZFS RAIDZ2 and wd uncorrectable data error - why does ZFS not notice the hardware error?
Brandon WickelhausRe: cgd + zfs
Matthias PetermannRe: ZFS RAIDZ2 and wd uncorrectable data error - why does ZFS not notice the hardware error?
RVPRe: ZFS RAIDZ2 and wd uncorrectable data error - why does ZFS not notice the hardware error?
Mark CarrollRe: Regular NetBSD packaging and pkgin
Matthias PetermannRe: ZFS RAIDZ2 and wd uncorrectable data error - why does ZFS not notice the hardware error?
Matthias PetermannRe: ZFS RAIDZ2 and wd uncorrectable data error - why does ZFS not notice the hardware error?
Paul W. Rankinbackspace in wscons console sends ^H to processes
Michael van ElstRe: backspace in wscons console sends ^H to processes
Greg TroxelRe: cgd + zfs
Brad SpencerRe: cgd + zfs
Michael van ElstRe: cgd + zfs
Michael van ElstRe: ZFS RAIDZ2 and wd uncorrectable data error - why does ZFS not notice the hardware error?
Brett LymnRe: backspace in wscons console sends ^H to processes
Mr RooosterRe: ZFS RAIDZ2 and wd uncorrectable data error - why does ZFS not notice the hardware error?
Brad SpencerRe: ZFS RAIDZ2 and wd uncorrectable data error - why does ZFS not notice the hardware error?
Michael van ElstRe: backspace in wscons console sends ^H to processes
Greg TroxelRe: ZFS RAIDZ2 and wd uncorrectable data error - why does ZFS not notice the hardware error?
Michael van ElstRe: ZFS RAIDZ2 and wd uncorrectable data error - why does ZFS not notice the hardware error?
Pouya TaftiRe: cgd + zfs
Pouya TaftiRe: cgd + zfs
RhialtoRe: mpv and estd and --vo=xv
Todd GruhnStill cant talk to USD ports
Michael van ElstRe: Still cant talk to USD ports
Paul W. RankinRe: backspace in wscons console sends ^H to processes
Brett LymnRe: backspace in wscons console sends ^H to processes
David BrownleeRe: cgd + zfs
Todd GruhnRe: Still cant talk to USD ports
Greg TroxelRe: backspace in wscons console sends ^H to processes
Johnny BillquistRe: backspace in wscons console sends ^H to processes
Pouya TaftiRe: cgd + zfs
Robert ElzRe: backspace in wscons console sends ^H to processes
RVPRe: backspace in wscons console sends ^H to processes
Michael van ElstRe: backspace in wscons console sends ^H to processes
Michael van ElstRe: Still cant talk to USD ports
Mr RooosterRe: ZFS RAIDZ2 and wd uncorrectable data error - why does ZFS not notice the hardware error?
Todd GruhnRe: Still cant talk to USD ports
Johnny BillquistRe: backspace in wscons console sends ^H to processes
Michael HuffConfused about setting up MATE desktop
Michael van ElstRe: Still cant talk to USD ports
Michael van ElstRe: backspace in wscons console sends ^H to processes
Johnny BillquistRe: backspace in wscons console sends ^H to processes
Chavdar IvanovRe: Confused about setting up MATE desktop
Michael HuffRe: Confused about setting up MATE desktop
Johnny BillquistRe: backspace in wscons console sends ^H to processes
Jay PatelRE: Confused about setting up MATE desktop
Michael HuffRe: Confused about setting up MATE desktop
Todd GruhnRe: Still cant talk to USD ports
Valery UshakovRe: backspace in wscons console sends ^H to processes
Todd GruhnVLC strangeness
Hisashi T FujinakaRe: backspace in wscons console sends ^H to processes
Emmanuel Dreyfustzfile
RhialtoRe: VLC strangeness
RVPRe: tzfile
RVPRe: VLC strangeness
Todd GruhnRe: VLC strangeness
RVPRe: tzfile
Martin HusemannRe: tzfile
Todd GruhnRe: VLC strangeness
RVPRe: VLC strangeness
Emmanuel DreyfusRe: tzfile
Todd GruhnRe: VLC strangeness
Emmanuel DreyfusRe: tzfile
RVPRe: tzfile
Todd GruhnUsing MPV
Todd GruhnMPV, VLC, and screen-freezes
RVPRe: MPV, VLC, and screen-freezes
Todd GruhnRe: MPV, VLC, and screen-freezes
Todd GruhnMPV: aspect ratios, big windows, and filling the screen
Todd GruhnMPV results
RhialtoRe: MPV results
Todd GruhnRe: MPV results
Michael CheponisRe: MPV results
Re: MPV results
Todd GruhnRe: MPV results
RVPRe: MPV results
Todd GruhnXINE and Music CDs
Todd GruhnUsing xine
Todd Gruhnusing Xine to play music
Todd GruhnRe: using Xine to play music
Re: using Xine to play music
Re: using Xine to play music
Pouya Taftizfs on raw vs gpt
Pierre-Philipp BraunRe: Mouse movements
Todd GruhnThoughts regarding system-backups
Brook MilliganBeagleBone Enhanced + NetBSD
Andy RuhlRe: Thoughts regarding system-backups
Todd GruhnRe: Thoughts regarding system-backups
David BrownleeRe: Thoughts regarding system-backups
David BrownleeRe: zfs on raw vs gpt
=?UTF-8?Q?J=C3=B6rn_Clausen?=Re: Thoughts regarding system-backups
David BrownleeRe: Thoughts regarding system-backups
Miko LarssonRe: Thoughts regarding system-backups
Todd GruhnRe: Thoughts regarding system-backups
Todd GruhnRe: Thoughts regarding system-backups
Julian SuschlikRe: Thoughts regarding system-backups
Pouya TaftiRe: zfs on raw vs gpt
Todd GruhnRe: Thoughts regarding system-backups
Michael van ElstRe: zfs on raw vs gpt
Michael van ElstRe: Thoughts regarding system-backups
Todd GruhnRe: Thoughts regarding system-backups
Michael van ElstRe: Thoughts regarding system-backups