pkgsrc-Users by thread
Thread index
Last updated: Sun Mar 02 10:28:31 2025
Timezone is UTC
- emulators/suse100_base on NetBSD-5/amd64 broken?,
Fredrik Pettai
- Re: emulators/suse100_base on NetBSD-5/amd64 broke,
Thomas Klausner
- Re: emulators/suse100_base on NetBSD-5/amd64 broke,
Fredrik Pettai
- Re: emulators/suse100_base on NetBSD-5/amd64 broke,
Fredrik Pettai
- Re: emulators/suse100_base on NetBSD-5/amd64 broke,
Cem Kayali
- Re: emulators/suse100_base on NetBSD-5/amd64 broke,
Fredrik Pettai
- Re: emulators/suse100_base on NetBSD-5/amd64 broke,
Thomas Klausner
- Re: emulators/suse100_base on NetBSD-5/amd64 broke,
Fredrik Pettai
- Re: emulators/suse100_base on NetBSD-5/amd64 broke,
Cem Kayali
- Re: emulators/suse100_base on NetBSD-5/amd64 broke,
Cem Kayali
- Re: emulators/suse100_base on NetBSD-5/amd64 broke,
Thomas E. Spanjaard
- Re: emulators/suse100_base on NetBSD-5/amd64 broke,
Nicolas Joly
- Re: emulators/suse100_base on NetBSD-5/amd64 broke,
Thomas E. Spanjaard
- Re: emulators/suse100_base on NetBSD-5/[i386|amd64,
Fredrik Pettai
- Re: emulators/suse100_base on NetBSD-5/[i386|amd64,
Nicolas Joly
- Re: emulators/suse100_base on NetBSD-5/[i386|amd64,
Fredrik Pettai
- www/apache22nb2 segfaults on NetBSD-5-0-RC4,
Fredrik Pettai
- bsdtar needed for libsigc++ extraction,
Jeremy C. Reed
- emulators/vba: Compiling Issue - vba does not comp,
Johann Peter Dirichlet
- compiling openoffice3,
Patrick Welche
- problems compiling python25 on Solaris 10 amd64,
Jon Brisbin
- freepops: -lintl is missing in LDFLAGS,
William Xu
- cups dependencies question,
Gergely Gábor
- www/firefox3: font rendering regression with 3.0.9,
Jukka Salmi
- Re: www/firefox3: font rendering regression with 3,
Tobias Nygren
- Re: www/firefox3: font rendering regression with 3,
Jukka Salmi
- Re: www/firefox3: font rendering regression with 3,
Tobias Nygren
- Re: www/firefox3: font rendering regression with 3,
Jukka Salmi
- Re: www/firefox3: font rendering regression with 3,
Jeremy C. Reed
- Re: www/firefox3: font rendering regression with 3,
Holger Weiss
- Re: www/firefox3: font rendering regression with 3,
- Re: www/firefox3: font rendering regression with 3,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- Re: www/firefox3: font rendering regression with 3,
- Re: www/firefox3: font rendering regression with 3,
Jukka Salmi
- Re: www/firefox3: font rendering regression with 3,
Holger Weiss
- Re: www/firefox3: font rendering regression with 3,
Jukka Salmi
- Re: www/firefox3: font rendering regression with 3,
- Re: www/firefox3: font rendering regression with 3,
Jukka Salmi
- net/ctorrent update,
Alexey Lebedev
- dovecot on -current,
Steven M. Bellovin
- thunderbird- build failure,
Thomas Klausner
- LICENSE= gnu-gpl-v2,
- Some 64-bit cleaning for archivers/zoo - one year ,
- problems building security/dsniff-nox11,
Jukka Salmi
- while updating games/alephone ...,
Larson, Timothy E.
- pkg_install-20090422 fails to build on AIX,
Louis Guillaume
- gtk1 apps on amd64/netbsd-5,
Milos Negovanovic
- mod_python problem,
- FYI: Building parrot on Solaris/i86 with GCC and n,
Jörn Clausen
- www/nvu fails on amd64,
- Problems with shared libraries on linux amd64,
Alexey Lebedev
- pkgsrc-2009Q1 i386 and amd64 binaries available,
Manuel Bouyer
- update FAQ about audit-packages,
Jeremy C. Reed
- Openoffice3 from ftp,
Francisco Valladolid
- Package binaries for NetBSD/macppc 4.0 / pkgsrc-20,
Havard Eidnes
- Fetchmail Fails to build on NetBSD 4.0.1/sparc64,
Michael C. Vergallen
- PostgreSQL on Solaris 10,
Dima Veselov
- openssl-0.9.8k fails to build on NetBSD 4.0.1/spar,
Michael C. Vergallen
- kde4 bin packages,
Cem Kayali
- Neon upgrade breaks backwards compatibility of Sub,
Chris Wareham
- Build failure for devel/scmgit,
Paul Goyette
- Re: CVS commit: pkgsrc/doc,
John Nemeth
- pangomm split from gtkmm / pango dependencies / gt,
Jeremy C. Reed
- So I found "struct options",
Lloyd Parkes
- building pax on solaris,
Lloyd Parkes
- perl installation directory difficulties,
- Gnome keyboard problem in NetBSD but not Dragonfly,
- Package binaries for NetBSD/macppc 5.0 / pkgsrc-20,
Havard Eidnes
- pkgsrc-dashboard - a cgi for reporting on many pkg,
matthew sporleder
- Merging update -> devel/p5-IO-Compress,
Jens Rehsack
- mutt sidebar patch,
Tonnerre LOMBARD
- django/python missing sqlite,
George Georgalis
- Re: django/python missing sqlite,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- Re: django/python missing sqlite,
George Georgalis
- Re: django/python missing sqlite,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- Re: django/python missing sqlite,
George Georgalis
- Re: django/python missing sqlite,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- Re: django/python missing sqlite,
George Georgalis
- Re: django/python missing sqlite,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- Re: django/python missing sqlite,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- Re: django/python missing sqlite,
George Georgalis
- Re: django/python missing sqlite,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- Re: django/python missing sqlite,
George Georgalis
- Re: django/python missing sqlite,
George Georgalis
- Hobbitclient is not safe for parallel builds,
Tonnerre LOMBARD
- clutter needs newer MesaLib headers,
Jeremy C. Reed
- dependency on arts even when explicity built witho,
Larson, Timothy E.
- OK to remove wip/icc and wip/icc10 ?,
Alexander Nasonov
- clamav 0.95.1 startup warning: unrar support anava,
Matthias Ferdinand
- /x11/kdebase3 compiling on Leopard,
Ernesto Bascon
- gnumeric regression with coda,
Greg Troxel
- irssi-icb -> glib2,
Thomas Klausner
- devel/gdb6 options notui,
Jake Kupersmith
- pangomm-2.24.0 requires pango>=1.23.0,
Jeremy C. Reed
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