pkgsrc-Users by thread
Thread index
Last updated: Sun Mar 02 10:28:32 2025
Timezone is UTC
- postgresql91 build with libxml,
Phillip Rulon
- devel/m4 needs fixing for NetBSD-current,
Jeff Rizzo
- devel/m4 build failure for current amd64,
Jimmy Johansson
- Unmarked dependency on python 2.5 in devel/glib2?,
Ian D. Leroux
- print/tex-bibtex8 and print/tex-splitbib,
Aleksey Cheusov
- Can't build sun-jre in HEAD,
Paul Newhouse
- lang/php* broken on NetBSD, patch supplied,
John Stalker
- Good mail printing program; no muttprint?,
- RFC - p5-* dependencies and Perl core modules,
Ulrich Habel
- devel/ocaml-findlib errors,
Sad Clouds
- NetBSD Port: fuse-ntfs-3g,
Raymond Vetter
- Mailbox Epires 24Hours,
Maikbox Expires 24Hours
- other than SQL_ASCII with pgsql,
Greg Troxel
- Circular dependency (?) confusing pkg_rr,
Benny Siegert
- Making x11/qt4-libs use kqueue to monitor files on,
Sverre Froyen
- pkgsrc binary packages vs pkg tool bumps,
Malcolm Herbert
- Upgrade Your Mailbox Quota?,
Katherine Miller
- KDE3 users? Switch to "Trinity"?,
Matthias Drochner
- CRLF line terminators in nagios-base,
Andreas Obermaier
- comms/asterisk,
John Nemeth
- Update pango to 1.29.4,
Patrick Welche
- pkgsrc-2011Q4 rox file manager build failure on i3,
Petri Laakso
- Final Warning,
Your email account will be terminated
- x264-devel build error,
Patrick Welche
- some packages link against base's openssl even if ,
Matthias Kretschmer
- Your MailBox Expires 24Hours,
- Storage Quota Almost Full,
Holman, Diane
- Up-to-date browser?,
- pkgsrc freeze ending 2012/1/7 at 23:59 UTC,
Alistair Crooks
- python packages,
Patrick Welche
- Haskell-Platform,
- New flag? GCC_ONLY,
Eric Radman
- add link,
- Re: pkgsrc: lang/php53 broken,
Takahiro Kambe
- Running of Gnome programs fail on Linux because of,
Emmanuel Kasper
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