Index of tech-userlevel for September, 2012

Martin HusemannRe: cannot compile with gcc 4.6
Anders MagnussonRe: alloca() declaration
Julio MerinoImporting Kyua into NetBSD
Alistair CrooksRe: individual software releases for third parties
matthew sporlederRe: individual software releases for third parties
Jean-Yves MigeonRe: Importing Kyua into NetBSD
David HollandRe: Importing Kyua into NetBSD
David HollandRe: individual software releases for third parties
Aleksey CheusovRe: individual software releases for third parties
Paul GoyetteRe: Importing Kyua into NetBSD
Manuel BouyerRe: Importing Kyua into NetBSD
David HollandRe: individual software releases for third parties
Julio MerinoRe: Importing Kyua into NetBSD
Julio MerinoRe: Importing Kyua into NetBSD
Julio MerinoRe: Importing Kyua into NetBSD
David HollandRe: Importing Kyua into NetBSD
Web TrafficW e b s i t e - T r a f f i c - G e n e r a t o r
YAMAMOTO TakashiRe: 16bit ctype table
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: 16bit ctype table
dieter roelantsRe: running multiple httpds
Jeremy C. ReedRe: running multiple httpds
dieter roelantsRe: running multiple httpds
Edgar =?iso-8859-1?B?RnXf?=6.0 build failure
Robert ElzRe: 6.0 build failure
Martin HusemannRe: 6.0 build failure
Hisashi T FujinakaRe: 6.0 build failure
David HollandRe: 6.0 build failure
Martin HusemannRe: 6.0 build failure
David HollandRe: 6.0 build failure
Hisashi T FujinakaRe: 6.0 build failure
YAMAMOTO TakashiRe: 16bit ctype table
Aleksej SaushevRe: individual software releases for third parties
Takehiko NOZAKIRe: 16bit ctype table
iMil6.0_RC1 Xorg failure w/ Radeon X3000 card
Web TrafficW e b s i t e - T r a f f i c - G e n e r a t o r
matthew greenre: 6.0_RC1 Xorg failure w/ Radeon X3000 card
iMilre: 6.0_RC1 Xorg failure w/ Radeon X3000 card
Blair SadewitzRe: 6.0_RC1 Xorg failure w/ Radeon X3000 card
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Joerg SonnenbergerRe: 16bit ctype table
Matt ThomasRe: 16bit ctype table
Brooks DavisIncreasing FreeBSD compatibility in mtree
Takehiko NOZAKIRe: 16bit ctype table
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: 16bit ctype table
Jeremy C. ReedRe: Increasing FreeBSD compatibility in mtree
Edgar =?iso-8859-1?B?RnXf?=Re: 16bit ctype table
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: 16bit ctype table
Brooks DavisRe: Increasing FreeBSD compatibility in mtree
Christos ZoulasRe: 16bit ctype table
Julian Djamil FagirRe: Increasing FreeBSD compatibility in mtree
Brooks DavisRe: Increasing FreeBSD compatibility in mtree
MouseRe: Increasing FreeBSD compatibility in mtree
Thor Lancelot SimonRe: Increasing FreeBSD compatibility in mtree
MouseRe: Increasing FreeBSD compatibility in mtree
Thor Lancelot SimonRe: Increasing FreeBSD compatibility in mtree
Web TrafficW e b s i t e - T r a f f i c - G e n e r a t o r