pkgsrc-Users by thread
Thread index
Last updated: Sun Mar 02 10:28:34 2025
Timezone is UTC
- 200 packages with the greatest number of patches,
Kamil Rytarowski
- lighttpd 1.4.41 released,
Glenn Strauss
- Firefox problems with Unicode file names,
Sad Clouds
- boost and gcc 5.4.0,
Patrick Welche
- bootstrap hang on Solaris,
Jeremy C. Reed
- java idk + MacOSX,
Brook Milligan
- url2pkg not doing the right thing with github,
- curses vs ncurses,
Patrick Welche
- cvs help on netbsd 7.0.1,
Richard PALO
- misc/libreoffice broken?,
Paul Goyette
- Firefox build fails on NetBSD_6.1-amd64,
Yoann Toussaint
- firefox-47 MessageChannel.cpp ABORT,
David Brownlee
- Re: CVS commit: pkgsrc/net/filezilla,
Richard PALO
- tex-*-doc packages,
Mark Davies
- lighttpd 1.4.40 released,
Glenn Strauss
- HEADS-UP: PHP module configuration change - enable,
Jaromír Doleček
- pkgsrc-2016Q2 binary packages for illumos now avai,
Jonathan Perkin
- 2016Q2 - Darwin - can't build OpenSSL,
Louis Guillaume
- Imake on Solaris 11.2/sparc,
Jörn Clausen
- audio/openal obsolete. please make the changes for,
Adrien Fernandes
- Something better than www/urlget ?,
Paul Goyette
- Announcing the pkgsrc-2016Q2 release,
Jonathan Perkin
- (pkgin) when installing git, error log says "Can't,
Rares Aioanei
- font color fringing after freetype2/fontconfig upd,
Tobias Nygren
- samba4,
Patrick Welche
- Build failure for graphics/glew,
Paul Goyette
- Import wip/sickbeard as multimedia/sickbeard,
Jonathan Schleifer
- revbump for perl-5.24.0 ?,
Matthias Ferdinand
- lualatex - luatex85.sty not found,
Jan Danielsson
- libvpx on netbsd-5,
Stephen Borrill
- pkgsrc-2016Q2: p5-Authen-SASL fails to package (re,
- luatex regression,
Richard PALO
- removing python-3.3?,
Thomas Klausner
- misc/{open,libre}office*,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- audio/openal conflicting with audio/openal-soft ?,
Adrien Fernandes
- Chromium B.S.U. 0.9.16 released!,
Paul Wise
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