pkgsrc-Users by thread
Thread index
Last updated: Sun Mar 02 10:28:34 2025
Timezone is UTC
- Retirement of PHP 5.4,
Takahiro Kambe
- State of wip/linphone, video call options on netbs,
- pkgsrc-current on Xcode7.1.1+OS X 10.11(El Captan),
Yoshiyuki HARAOKA
- (www/p5-WWW-Mechanize-Cached) make test fails,
Makoto Fujiwara
- asterisk packages,
John Nemeth
- Problems in R-base and QGIS,
Daniel Patón
- kibitz,
Paul Goyette
- Is there any equivalent of 7zip/WinRar for the *ni,
Ottavio Caruso
- New "multimedia/gmplayer" vs. workaround for older,
John D. Baker
- evince3 and Unrecognized YELP_HELP_INIT option dum,
Richard PALO
- Recent Haskell packages with Cabal,
Kamil Rytarowski
- Please recommend a user friendly screenlock/screen,
Ottavio Caruso
- Trying to track down pkgsrc problem in upgraded sy,
John Klos
- [patch] security/gnupg: remove left-over debug mes,
Petar Bogdanovic
- /etc/dhcpcd.conf correct permissions,
Ottavio Caruso
- go-tools broken on 2015Q3 branch,
David Bariod
- New patch for pkg/50425 (lang/scheme48 update),
Aleksej Lebedev
- [patch] archivers/unzip: -DNO_LCHMOD for Linux, to,
Matthias Ferdinand
- [patch] net/rsync: drop unnecessary build time dep,
Petar Bogdanovic
- Re: xentools45 fails to build on NetBSD 7 - amd64,
Eric Schnoebelen
- gv does not open,
carsten . kunze
- poppler-utils fails on Linux/x86_64 [w/ FIX],
Dario Niedermann
- Hot to get net/dhcpcd-gtk to remember passwords?,
Ottavio Caruso
- 2015Q3 package binaries for NetBSD/macppc 6.0,
Havard Eidnes
- lang/clang build problem?,
Jan Danielsson
- sysutils/strigi usage,
Alexandru Chircu
- Vulnerability for qemu,
Paul Goyette
- Default ABI on Darwin,
Jonathan Perkin
- Does pkgin have "resume download" feature?,
- [updated patch] fix build error for graphics/sane-,
Matthias Ferdinand
- make package-install dependencies dont work,
Frank Wille
- 2015Q3 package binaries for NetBSD/macppc 7.0,
Havard Eidnes
- print/tex-minted dependencies,
Jan Danielsson
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