NetBSD-Users by thread
Thread index
Last updated: Fri Feb 07 06:18:58 2025
Timezone is UTC
- PAE + i7 + 24G RAM + i386 kernel = panic,
Swift Griggs
- Debugging Firefox,
Andreas Gustafsson
- postfix + TLS + SASL,
Jan Danielsson
- linking issue - what am I doing wrong?,
Swift Griggs
- Buggy /usr/X11R7/lib/modules/dri/ ?,
- named time-out errors,
- slow disk in NetBSD-7.0 under qemu,
- EIB/KNX bus,
Frank Wille
- qemu/amd64 virtio weirdness NetBSD 7.0/amd64,
- Silly shell question,
Swift Griggs
- NetBSD's LVM works great for me,
Swift Griggs
- [no subject],
- Per-user/group memory limits,
Swift Griggs
- Problems with syslog.conf,
- Automatic switching between PPP, LAN, WLAN,
Frank Wille
- Random lockups on an email server - possibly kern/,
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- Routing in a VPN-Roadwarrior configuration,
Frank Wille
- libreoffice-bin pango errors,
- www/midori is handy when several other browsers fa,
- ... release--works but only install neede,
John R. Towler
- ODROID-C1+ sdmmc init fail,
Raymond Keller
- Weird permission problem,
Jan Danielsson
- dtrace newbie,
Patrick Welche
- fssconfig/raidframe/dump-related crashes,
Timo Buhrmester
- Any way to "passive commit" to RAM without syncing,
Swift Griggs
- SSD TRIM / "discard" works after a remount with mo,
Swift Griggs
- Reformatting little USB-harddisks,
herbert langhans
- wireless WPA disconnection issues,
Riccardo Mottola
- GPT, wedges and RAID-1 on new server with NetBSD 7,
Gerard Lally
- GSoC 2016,
Tahir Ramzan
- Prepping for Linux emulation,
William A. Mahaffey III
- backlight off on lid closure,
Riccardo Mottola
- pkgsrc can't download distfile,
- ssh-copy-id scriptae non grata?,
Swift Griggs
- wpa_supplicant rc.conf config silently failing,
Andrew Cagney
- bta2dpd - advanced audio distribution profile blue,
Nathanial Sloss
- reg:Contribution,
Amrutanshu Tripathy
- Would Raspberry Pi 3's wifi be supported by NetBSD,
- ZFS,
- "No route to host" in Alpine,
Marco Beishuizen
- DRM issues with Xorg and intel,
Riccardo Mottola
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