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Thread index
Last updated: Sat Mar 08 19:45:31 2025
Timezone is UTC
- cannot dlopen non loadable libpthread error,
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- Re: Representative Request,
Chugai Inc
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- I've lost your phone #, could you remind me it?,
Tomika Schofield
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- pax and malloc.conf,
SAITOH Masanobu
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- "netstat -ranl" and MTU,
Fredrik Pettai
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- Cannot cross-build sparc64 on Darwin,
Adam Ciarciński
YOU HAVE WON $350,000.00 USD:
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- Do You Need A loan at 2%? Reply with Name, Amount,,
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- gcc/testsuite/gcc.c-torture/execute,
Masanobu SAITOH
- Build break on port-amd64 - compat_linux,
Paul Goyette
- NetBSD-6 RC2 (and -current) named looping,
Sverre Froyen
- I think we'll make a great mistake if we don't get,
Brigitte Rude
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- HEADS UP: gcc 4.5.4 imported,
Nick Hudson
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- Using xenocara patches unter NetBSD current (v6.99,
Hernani Marques (UZH)
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- Re: Unable to build a BEAGLEBOARD kernel,
Lloyd Parkes
- is liblzf still missing form sets?,
Hisashi T Fujinaka
- python build crashes on -current (was: Re: python),
David Holland
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- compile error in -current,
SAITOH Masanobu
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- I wanna offer you something interesting,
Lawanda Lander
- D-Link DWA-140 B3,
Thomas Klausner
- Fetching uboot env vars from inside netbsd kernel,
Rajasekhar Pulluru
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- Trouble with IPF,
Aran Clauson
- Hi! Let's have a talk and if you like then we can ,
Mi Drakes
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- fs/tmpfs/t_vnd/basic fails,
SAITOH Masanobu
- cprng panic?,
SAITOH Masanobu
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- xen brocken (pmap_growkernel?),
Manuel Bouyer
- Error compiling current kernel,
Riccardo Mottola
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- new i386 kernel panics,
Kurt Schreiner
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- makemandb vs. man.conf's _whatdb,
Dave Huang
- Your mailbox is almost full,
Blais, Denis (MGS)
- Choose one out of 2: new meeting or nothing intere,
Diedra Ferreri
- src/external and old directories,
Masanobu SAITOH
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- ath(4) seems to freeze NetBSD/amd64 6.0_BETA2 syst,
Jukka Salmi
- Wichtige Nachricht,
Amazon . de
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
- USB scanning -> hang or reset,
Thomas Klausner
- Error compiling tests/net/fdpass,
Adam Ciarciński
- fs tests failing,
Paul Goyette
- Re: fs tests failing,
Antti Kantee
- Re: fs tests failing,
Paul Goyette
- Re: fs tests failing,
Antti Kantee
- Re: fs tests failing,
Paul Goyette
- Re: fs tests failing,
Antti Kantee
- Re: fs tests failing,
Chuck Silvers
- Re: fs tests failing,
Antti Kantee
- Re: fs tests failing,
Chuck Silvers
- Re: fs tests failing,
David Holland
- Re: fs tests failing,
Mindaugas Rasiukevicius
- Re: fs tests failing,
David Holland
- Re: fs tests failing,
David Holland
- Re: fs tests failing,
Antti Kantee
- Re: fs tests failing,
Jukka Ruohonen
- daily CVS update output,
NetBSD source update
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