Index of pkgsrc-users for April, 2014

Greg TroxelRe: pkgsrc-2013Q4 Circular dependencies
Tim HawesRe: pkgsrc-2013Q4 Circular dependencies
OBATA AkioRe: Abiword 3.0
OBATA AkioRe: pkgsrc-2013Q4 Circular dependencies
Ottavio CarusoRe: Abiword 3.0
John D. Bakerpackage failures related to -current freetype updates, etc.
Thomas KlausnerRe: package failures related to -current freetype updates, etc.
John D. BakerRe: package failures related to -current freetype updates, etc.
Thomas KlausnerRe: package failures related to -current freetype updates, etc.
John D. BakerRe: package failures related to -current freetype updates, etc.
John D. BakerRe: package failures related to -current freetype updates, etc.
Newsletter InformationDu wurdest erfolgreich abgemeldet
Greg TroxelRe: package failures related to -current freetype updates, etc.
Ottavio CarusoRe: Making a localized, educational live-usb version of Netbsd? Possible, and is worth it?
Christos ZoulasRe: Making a localized, educational live-usb version of Netbsd? Possible, and is worth it?
Ottavio CarusoRe: Making a localized, educational live-usb version of Netbsd? Possible, and is worth it?
Marc BaudoinRe: graphics/graphviz parser error
John D. Bakergcc48 cc1plus "stuck"(?) building "boost-libs"
RE: Tesco Poland Plc Product enquiry
Alistair CrooksAnnouncing the pkgsrc-2014Q1 Branch
Greg TroxelRe: pkgsrc-2013Q4 Circular dependencies
Dan LaBellRe: Making a localized, educational live-usb version of Netbsd? Possible, and is worth it?
Ottavio CarusoRe: Making a localized, educational live-usb version of Netbsd? Possible, and is worth it?
Ottavio CarusoRe: Making a localized, educational live-usb version of Netbsd? Possible, and is worth it?
Aleksej SaushevRe: Making a localized, educational live-usb version of Netbsd? Possible, and is worth it?
Tim HawesRe: pkgsrc-2013Q4 Circular dependencies
David LordRe: Making a localized, educational live-usb version of Netbsd? Possible, and is worth it?
Ottavio CarusoRe: Making a localized, educational live-usb version of Netbsd? Possible, and is worth it?
Alistair CrooksRe: Making a localized, educational live-usb version of Netbsd? Possible, and is worth it?
Kamil Rytarowskinspr fix build in 2014Q1
Martin HusemannRe: nspr fix build in 2014Q1
Dirk HeinrichsRUNPATH/RPATH used on Solaris 11, but not on Solaris 10
Kamil Rytarowski2014Q1 misc/rpm fix build on Linux
Kamil RytarowskiRe: nspr fix build in 2014Q1
Martin HusemannRe: nspr fix build in 2014Q1
Ryo ONODERARe: nspr fix build in 2014Q1
Thomas KlausnerRe: nspr fix build in 2014Q1
Kamil RytarowskiRe: nspr fix build in 2014Q1
OBATA AkioRe: nspr fix build in 2014Q1
Kamil RytarowskiRe: nspr fix build in 2014Q1
Fredrik PettaiRe: sendmail patches from upstream
Emmanuel DreyfusRe: sendmail patches from upstream
John D. BakerRe: gcc48 cc1plus "stuck"(?) building "boost-libs"
Ottavio CarusoFirefox 26: occasional freeze with Youtube Webm videos
Ottavio CarusoRe: Firefox 26: occasional freeze with Youtube Webm videos
Thomas KlausnerRe: Firefox 26: occasional freeze with Youtube Webm videos
Ottavio CarusoRe: Firefox 26: occasional freeze with Youtube Webm videos
RhialtoClang++ 3.4 (from new stable branch) doesn't work?
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: Clang++ 3.4 (from new stable branch) doesn't work?
RhialtoRe: Clang++ 3.4 (from new stable branch) doesn't work?
RhialtoRe: Clang++ 3.4 (from new stable branch) doesn't work?
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Ren=E9_J=2EV=2E?= BertinRe: Clang++ 3.4 (from new stable branch) doesn't work?
RhialtoRe: Clang++ 3.4 (from new stable branch) doesn't work?
Jan Danielssontextproc/icu problem when building fonts/harfbuzz
Thomas KlausnerRe: textproc/icu problem when building fonts/harfbuzz
Jan DanielssonRe: textproc/icu problem when building fonts/harfbuzz
Jan Schaumannsrc- and pkgsrc changes tweets
Ottavio CarusoWhy libreoffice4 and libreoffice4-bin?
Greg TroxelRe: Why libreoffice4 and libreoffice4-bin?
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: Clang++ 3.4 (from new stable branch) doesn't work?
Ottavio CarusoPulseaudio, hal, udev, was: Firefox 26: occasional freeze with Youtube Webm videos
Ottavio CarusoRe: Why libreoffice4 and libreoffice4-bin?
RhialtoRe: Clang++ 3.4 (from new stable branch) doesn't work?
=?iso-8859-1?Q?=22Ren=E9_J=2EV=2E_Bertin=22?=Re: Clang++ 3.4 (from new stable branch) doesn't work?
Patrick WelcheRe: Pulseaudio, hal, udev, was: Firefox 26: occasional freeze with Youtube Webm videos
Greg TroxelRe: Why libreoffice4 and libreoffice4-bin?
Ryo ONODERARe: Why libreoffice4 and libreoffice4-bin?
Thomas Klausnerfirefox: search box not working, some plugins not working
Martin HusemannRe: firefox: search box not working, some plugins not working
Thomas KlausnerRe: firefox: search box not working, some plugins not working
Martin HusemannRe: firefox: search box not working, some plugins not working
Patrick WelcheRe: firefox: search box not working, some plugins not working
Martin HusemannRe: firefox: search box not working, some plugins not working
Marc Baudoinmisc/libreoffice4 build failure on NetBSD/amd64 6.1.3
Manuel BouyerRe: misc/libreoffice4 build failure on NetBSD/amd64 6.1.3
Marc BaudoinRe: misc/libreoffice4 build failure on NetBSD/amd64 6.1.3
Ottavio CarusoRe: firefox: search box not working, some plugins not working
Martin HusemannRe: firefox: search box not working, some plugins not working
Martin HusemannRe: firefox: search box not working, some plugins not working
Thomas KlausnerRe: firefox: search box not working, some plugins not working
Ottavio CarusoRe: firefox: search box not working, some plugins not working
Ottavio CarusoRe: firefox: search box not working, some plugins not working
Thomas KlausnerRe: firefox: search box not working, some plugins not working
Jan Danielssonpatch to get SDL to build under Mac OS X Mavericks
Uwe KlausRe: misc/libreoffice4 build failure on NetBSD/amd64 6.1.3
Greg TroxelRe: patch to get SDL to build under Mac OS X Mavericks
Greg Troxelproposed deletion of old binary packages from
=?utf-8?Q?Adam_Ciarci=C5=84ski?=Re: patch to get SDL to build under Mac OS X Mavericks
Marc BaudoinRe: misc/libreoffice4 build failure on NetBSD/amd64 6.1.3
Greg Troxelis libgc thought to work on on NetBSD/i386?
Jan DanielssonRe: patch to get SDL to build under Mac OS X Mavericks
J. Lewis Muirlibarchive-2.8.4nb3 has a multiple-vulnerabilities vulnerability
Andy Zammypulseaudio on OSX 10.8
Greg TroxelRe: patch to get SDL to build under Mac OS X Mavericks
Andy Zammypulseaudio on osx 10.8
Ottavio CarusoRe: Firefox 26: occasional freeze with Youtube Webm videos
Greg TroxelRe: pulseaudio on osx 10.8
Thomas KlausnerRe: Firefox 26: occasional freeze with Youtube Webm videos
Niclas Rosenviklighttpd-1.4.35
Kamil RytarowskiIn preparation of Lua-5.3 - versioned binaries of Lua?
Greg TroxelRe: In preparation of Lua-5.3 - versioned binaries of Lua?
julien kroczekcurl-7.36 package failed to build
julien kroczekcurl-7.36 package failed to build - patch
Alexander NasonovRe: In preparation of Lua-5.3 - versioned binaries of Lua?
Kamil RytarowskiRe: In preparation of Lua-5.3 - versioned binaries of Lua?
Kamil RytarowskiRe: In preparation of Lua-5.3 - versioned binaries of Lua?
=?utf-8?Q?Adam_Ciarci=C5=84ski?=Re: lighttpd-1.4.35
Thomas SchmittRequest to update libburn and to package Xfburn
Alexander NasonovRe: In preparation of Lua-5.3 - versioned binaries of Lua?
Thomas KlausnerRe: Firefox 26: occasional freeze with Youtube Webm videos
Sevan / Venture37Issues with recent changes to lang/gcc48
J. Lewis MuirRe: libarchive-2.8.4nb3 has a multiple-vulnerabilities vulnerability
Thomas KlausnerRe: libarchive-2.8.4nb3 has a multiple-vulnerabilities vulnerability
J. Lewis MuirRe: libarchive-2.8.4nb3 has a multiple-vulnerabilities vulnerability
Benny SiegertRe: libarchive-2.8.4nb3 has a multiple-vulnerabilities vulnerability
Thomas KlausnerRe: Request to update libburn and to package Xfburn
Thomas SchmittRe: Request to update libburn and to package Xfburn
Havard EidnesRe: libarchive-2.8.4nb3 has a multiple-vulnerabilities vulnerability
Havard EidnesRe: libarchive-2.8.4nb3 has a multiple-vulnerabilities vulnerability
Thomas Klausnerqemu not building on -current with gcc
Newsletter InformationDu wurdest erfolgreich abgemeldet
Thomas SchmittRe: Request to update libburn and to package Xfburn
Thomas SchmittRe: Request to update libburn and to package Xfburn
J. Lewis MuirRe: libarchive-2.8.4nb3 has a multiple-vulnerabilities vulnerability
Thomas KlausnerRe: Request to update libburn and to package Xfburn
John D. BakerRe: qemu not building on -current with gcc
Thomas SchmittRe: Request to update libburn and to package Xfburn
Ryo ONODERARe: Issues with recent changes to lang/gcc48
Sevan / Venture37Re: Issues with recent changes to lang/gcc48
=?UTF-8?B?VsOhY2xhdiBTdHJhY2hvxYg=?=Re: src- and pkgsrc changes tweets
Thomas KlausnerRe: qemu not building on -current with gcc
Thomas KlausnerRe: Request to update libburn and to package Xfburn
Marc BaudoinSorting problem with pkg_chk -b
Thomas Klausnerperl in pkgsrc status now with more glamour
Andy ZammyRe: pulseaudio on osx 10.8
Ryo ONODERARe: Issues with recent changes to lang/gcc48
Thomas SchmittRe: Request to update libburn and to package Xfburn
Ryo ONODERARe: Firefox 26: occasional freeze with Youtube Webm videos
Ryo ONODERARe: Firefox 26: occasional freeze with Youtube Webm videos
Ottavio CarusoRe: Firefox 26: occasional freeze with Youtube Webm videos
Richard PALORe: pkgsrc/mail/sendmail anomalies
Richard PALORe: pkgsrc/mail/sendmail anomalies
Ryo ONODERARe: Firefox 26: occasional freeze with Youtube Webm videos
Patrick WelcheRe: misc/libreoffice4 build failure on NetBSD/amd64 6.1.3
Greg TroxelRe: proposed deletion of old binary packages from