Index of pkgsrc-users for February, 2025

Makoto Fujiwaradiff from 2025-01-26 11:56 to 2025-01-29 22:26
PHOSwitching the default Haskell compiler to GHC 9.10 (lang/ghc910)
Jonathan PerkinRe: Switching the default Haskell compiler to GHC 9.10 (lang/ghc910)
David HollandRe: Removing old ghc* packages
PHORe: Switching the default Haskell compiler to GHC 9.10 (lang/ghc910)
Jonathan PerkinRe: Switching the default Haskell compiler to GHC 9.10 (lang/ghc910)
PHORe: Switching the default Haskell compiler to GHC 9.10 (lang/ghc910)
Robert Bagdanchromium: pkgsrc import request
David BrownleeRe: chromium: pkgsrc import request
MayureshRe: chromium: pkgsrc import request
Greg TroxelRe: chromium: pkgsrc import request
Jonathan PerkinRe: Switching the default Haskell compiler to GHC 9.10 (lang/ghc910)
Ramiro AcevesRe: firefox does not work ok 10 Stable
" Re: Installing neovim on macOS
PHORe: Switching the default Haskell compiler to GHC 9.10 (lang/ghc910)
Makoto Fujiwaradiff from 2025-01-29 22:26 to 2025-02-02 07:39
Stephen BorrillRe: PHP core dumps (gcc 10?)
Taylor R CampbellRe: Installing neovim on macOS
Roland IlligRe: archivers/lz4's Makefile varaible collision (OS_VERSION)
Timo BuhrmesterRe: archivers/lz4's Makefile varaible collision (OS_VERSION)
Robert Bagdanx11/tint2: fix to find pathes
Robert BagdanRe: chromium: pkgsrc import request
Benny SiegertRe: chromium: pkgsrc import request
Robert BagdanRe: chromium: pkgsrc import request
Greg Troxelpy-cheetah3 and the semi-rename to CT3, textproc vs devel
Thomas KlausnerRe: chromium: pkgsrc import request
Robert BagdanRe: chromium: pkgsrc import request
adrMutt and cy2-login &c
Rui-Xiang GuoRe: u-boot-marsboard package naming issue
Rui-Xiang GuoRe: chromium: pkgsrc import request
Martin HusemannRe: Mutt and cy2-login &c
AdamRe: Installing neovim on macOS
Makoto Fujiwaradiff from 2025-02-02 07:39 to 2025-02-04 13:40
Taylor R CampbellRe: Installing neovim on macOS
Robert Bagdansecurity/crypto++: ship pkgconfig file
pingetting proper debug information
Martin HusemannRe: getting proper debug information
pinRe: getting proper debug information
David BrownleeRe: chromium: pkgsrc import request
Martin HusemannRe: getting proper debug information
pinRe: getting proper debug information
adrRe: Mutt and cy2-login &c
Greg A. WoodsRe: Installing neovim on macOS
David BrownleeUnable to build graphics/lximage-qt since Jan 24 - cmake / error
" Re: Installing neovim on macOS
" Re: Installing neovim on macOS
" Re: Installing neovim on macOS
Takahiro KambeRe: make php to multi packages
Takahiro KambeRe: make php to multi packages
Takahiro KambeRe: make php to multi packages
pinRe: Unable to build graphics/lximage-qt since Jan 24 - cmake / error
Thomas KlausnerRe: Unable to build graphics/lximage-qt since Jan 24 - cmake / error
pinRe: Unable to build graphics/lximage-qt since Jan 24 - cmake / error
Benny SiegertRe: security/crypto++: ship pkgconfig file
Makoto Fujiwaraham/wsjtx (Re: wip/wsjtx
BSDCan 2025 CFP closes soon (12 February)
Makoto FujiwaraNow CAT control ready (Re: ham/wsjtx (Re: wip/wsjtx
Makoto FujiwaraSound card (Re: ham/wsjtx (Re: wip/wsjtx
" tailscale on NetBSD (more $ available)
niapkgsrc forked
Thomas KlausnerRe: Unable to build graphics/lximage-qt since Jan 24 - cmake / error
pinRe: Unable to build graphics/lximage-qt since Jan 24 - cmake / error
Re: make php to multi packages
wb9ypaRE: tailscale on NetBSD (more $ available)
Joel CarnatAdd options to KeePassXC
Thomas KlausnerRe: Add options to KeePassXC
Greg TroxelRe: Add options to KeePassXC
Joel CarnatRe: Add options to KeePassXC
Joel CarnatRe: Add options to KeePassXC
Greg TroxelRe: Add options to KeePassXC
adremulators/fbneo: fix building on aarch64 netbsd
David BrownleeRe: Unable to build graphics/lximage-qt since Jan 24 - cmake / error
Thomas KlausnerRe: Add options to KeePassXC
adrRe: emulators/fbneo: fix building on aarch64 netbsd
Martin HusemannRe: emulators/fbneo: fix building on aarch64 netbsd
Rui-Xiang GuoRe: tailscale on NetBSD (more $ available)
Ryo ONODERARe: tailscale on NetBSD (more $ available)
Thomas Klausnerremoving print/advi
adrRe: emulators/fbneo: fix building on aarch64 netbsd
adrRe: emulators/fbneo: fix building on aarch64 netbsd
adrRe: emulators/fbneo: fix building on aarch64 netbsd
adrRe: emulators/fbneo: fix building on aarch64 netbsd
Mayureshlang/mono: No msbuild in PLIST?
Thomas KlausnerRe: lang/mono: No msbuild in PLIST?
Makoto Fujiwaradiff from 2025-02-04 13:40 to 2025-02-07 21:53
" Re: tailscale on NetBSD (more $ available)
David HollandRe: removing print/advi
Benny SiegertRe: Removing old ghc* packages
Mayureshpython312 build with tkinter option fails
Thomas KlausnerRe: python312 build with tkinter option fails
Greg TroxelRe: Removing old ghc* packages
Greg TroxelRe: python312 build with tkinter option fails
Benny SiegertRe: Removing old ghc* packages
Greg TroxelRe: Removing old ghc* packages
Thomas KlausnerRe: Removing old ghc* packages
PHORe: Removing old ghc* packages
Martin HusemannRe: Removing old ghc* packages
Ryo ONODERARe: tailscale on NetBSD (more $ available)
Chavdar IvanovApparent blacklisting of e-mail addresses
Martin HusemannRe: Apparent blacklisting of e-mail addresses
Chavdar IvanovRe: Apparent blacklisting of e-mail addresses
ci4ic4Re: Apparent blacklisting of e-mail addresses
David HollandRe: removing print/advi
David HollandRe: removing print/advi
ci4ic4Re: tailscale on NetBSD (more $ available)
ci4ic4Re: tailscale on NetBSD (more $ available)
ci4ic4Re: tailscale on NetBSD (more $ available)
Thomas KlausnerRe: removing print/advi
Edgar =?iso-8859-1?B?RnXf?=user nut home directory is group writable
Robert Bagdannet/megacmd: update to 2.0.0
Ryo ONODERARe: tailscale on NetBSD (more $ available)
Greg TroxelRe: user nut home directory is group writable
Robert Bagdansysutils/krusader: update to 2.9.0
Robert Bagdanx11/copyq: moved to Qt6
David HollandRe: removing print/advi
Thomas KlausnerRe: net/megacmd: update to 2.0.0
Thomas KlausnerRe: sysutils/krusader: update to 2.9.0
Thomas KlausnerRe: x11/copyq: moved to Qt6
Robert BagdanRe: net/megacmd: update to 2.0.0
Paul RipkeRe: Anyone able to run blender on netbsd-10 amd64?
Thomas KlausnerRe: net/megacmd: update to 2.0.0
Thomas KlausnerExecutable bit on .desktop files: necessary or unwanted?
Joel CarnatUpdate mail/isync
Thomas KlausnerRe: Update mail/isync
David HollandRe: ocaml-findlib (was: Re: removing print/advi)
Joel CarnatRe: Update mail/isync
Manuel BouyerRe: Update mail/isync
Joel CarnatRe: Update mail/isync
Luke LollardError building GNUstep
Makoto Fujiwaradiff from 2025-02-07 21:53 to 2025-02-13 12:56
David H. GutteridgeRe: Executable bit on .desktop files: necessary or unwanted?
Matthew WidupRe: Executable bit on .desktop files: necessary or unwanted?
J. Lewis MuirRe: Error building GNUstep
Thomas KlausnerRe: CVS commit: pkgsrc/math/R-sp
Thomas KlausnerRe: CVS commit: pkgsrc/math/R-sp
David HollandRe: Executable bit on .desktop files: necessary or unwanted?
Mark DaviesRe: Executable bit on .desktop files: necessary or unwanted?
snow flurryRe: Executable bit on .desktop files: necessary or unwanted?
Thomas KlausnerRe: Executable bit on .desktop files: necessary or unwanted?
Greg Troxellots of ffmpeg versions: are we as far along as we can be?
Andrew RandrianasuluRe: lots of ffmpeg versions: are we as far along as we can be?
AdamRe: lots of ffmpeg versions: are we as far along as we can be?
Luke LollardRe: Error building GNUstep
Greg Troxelgraphics/libjxl build failure with python 3.13 also, fixed
Chuck CranorPREFER.zlib?
Chuck Cranorgcc and libtool-fortran
Edgar =?iso-8859-1?B?RnXf?=Re: PREFER.zlib?
RhialtoRe: lots of ffmpeg versions: are we as far along as we can be?
Greg TroxelRe: gcc and libtool-fortran
Makoto Fujiwaradiff from 2025-02-13 12:56 to 2025-02-17 22:46
Chuck CranorRe: PREFER.zlib?
Chuck CranorRe: gcc and libtool-fortran
Greg TroxelRe: gcc and libtool-fortran
Chuck CranorRe: gcc and libtool-fortran
Roland IlligRe: emulators/fbneo: fix building on aarch64 netbsd
adrRe: emulators/fbneo: fix building on aarch64 netbsd
Roland IlligRe: emulators/fbneo: fix building on aarch64 netbsd
J. Lewis MuirRe: Error building GNUstep
Greg Troxelgcc12 not building on macOS 15 aarch64 (gfortran woes)
Chuck CranorRe: gcc12 not building on macOS 15 aarch64 (gfortran woes)
Greg TroxelRe: gcc12 not building on macOS 15 aarch64 (gfortran woes)
Chuck CranorRe: gcc12 not building on macOS 15 aarch64 (gfortran woes)
Jason BaconRe: gcc12 not building on macOS 15 aarch64 (gfortran woes)
Jason BaconRe: gcc12 not building on macOS 15 aarch64 (gfortran woes)
Greg TroxelRe: gcc12 not building on macOS 15 aarch64 (gfortran woes)
Greg TroxelRe: py-cheetah3 and the semi-rename to CT3, textproc vs devel
Jason BaconRe: gcc12 not building on macOS 15 aarch64 (gfortran woes)
RhialtoRe: PREFER.zlib?
Thomas KlausnerRe: PREFER.zlib?
James CookWeird config path in rc.d/opensmtpd
Paolo Vincenzo OlivoRe: Weird config path in rc.d/opensmtpd
Thomas KlausnerRe: lots of ffmpeg versions: are we as far along as we can be?
Makoto Fujiwaradiff from 2025-02-17 22:46 to 2025-02-21 12:21
adrwip/fbneo-latest: Port adapted to nightly builds
MLHRe: Anyone able to run blender on netbsd-10 amd64?
David BrownleeRe: Anyone able to run blender on netbsd-10 amd64?
MLHRe: Anyone able to run blender on netbsd-10 amd64?
Paul RipkeRe: Anyone able to run blender on netbsd-10 amd64?
Hauke FathRemove misc/jbidwatcher?
Thomas KlausnerRe: CVS commit: pkgsrc/wm/fluxbox
Greg Troxelbuilding cmake on macOS fails with WRKOBJDIR=/private/tmp/work
MLHRe: freecad (was: Re: Anyone able to run blender on netbsd-10 amd64?)
Luke LollardRe: Error building GNUstep
Robert SwindellsRe: freecad (was: Re: Anyone able to run blender on netbsd-10 amd64?)
MLHRe: freecad (was: Re: Anyone able to run blender on netbsd-10 amd64?)
Robert SwindellsRe: freecad (was: Re: Anyone able to run blender on netbsd-10 amd64?)
MLHRe: freecad (was: Re: Anyone able to run blender on netbsd-10 amd64?)
Makoto Fujiwararuby 3.4.x Segfaults issue
Makoto Fujiwara10.99.12 and 9.3 both issue (Re: ruby 3.4.x Segfaults issue
Makoto Fujiwaranot exactly the same (Re: ruby 3.4.x Segfaults issue
=?UTF-8?Q?J=C3=B6rg_Sonnenberger?=Re: not exactly the same (Re: ruby 3.4.x Segfaults issue
MLHRe: freecad (was: Re: Anyone able to run blender on netbsd-10 amd64?)
MLHRe: freecad (was: Re: Anyone able to run blender on netbsd-10 amd64?)
Greg TroxelRe: freecad
Greg TroxelRe: freecad