NetBSD-Users by thread
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Last updated: Fri Feb 07 06:18:58 2025
Timezone is UTC
- /bin/sh command history in NetBSD/i386,
Marco Beishuizen
- Re: /bin/sh command history in NetBSD/i386,
Christos Zoulas
- Re: /bin/sh command history in NetBSD/i386,
- Re: /bin/sh command history in NetBSD/i386,
Marco Beishuizen
- Re: /bin/sh command history in NetBSD/i386,
- Re: /bin/sh command history in NetBSD/i386,
Marco Beishuizen
- Re: /bin/sh command history in NetBSD/i386,
Christos Zoulas
- Re: /bin/sh command history in NetBSD/i386,
Marco Beishuizen
- Re: /bin/sh command history in NetBSD/i386,
Christos Zoulas
- Re: /bin/sh command history in NetBSD/i386,
Marco Beishuizen
- Re: /bin/sh command history in NetBSD/i386,
Robert Elz
- Re: /bin/sh command history in NetBSD/i386,
Marco Beishuizen
- Re: /bin/sh command history in NetBSD/i386,
Robert Elz
- Re: /bin/sh command history in NetBSD/i386,
Marco Beishuizen
- Re: /bin/sh command history in NetBSD/i386,
Robert Elz
- Re: /bin/sh command history in NetBSD/i386,
Stephen Borrill
- Re: /bin/sh command history in NetBSD/i386,
Marco Beishuizen
- Various segfaults,
- OpenVPN and dev option,
- installboot command failed,
Marco Beishuizen
- NetBSD 7.1RC1 panic,
Stefan Hertenberger
- Intel 82579LM Issue,
John Halfpenny
- Prevent USB3 hard drive from spinning down,
Benny Siegert
- NPF newbie questions,
Egerváry Gergely
- udoo amd64 sbcs,
Swift Griggs
- 5inch HDMI LCD touch screen on NetBSD Raspberry PI,
Luescher Claude
- where did my eth. interface go? (PCMCIA),
Riccardo Mottola
- Crash with i915 drm,
- Status of RPi 3 (b) ?,
Swift Griggs
- Re: unknown linker error,
Mark Davies
- pkgsrc-2016Q4 released,
Thomas Klausner
- -CURRENT cross compilation hangs with fatal error:,
- pf -> npf teething pain,
Hauke Fath
- Dual-boot Linux and NetBSD with SYSLINUX,
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