pkgsrc-Users by thread
Thread index
Last updated: Sun Mar 02 10:28:33 2025
Timezone is UTC
- Re: problems updating math/py-rpy package,
Ian D. Leroux
- cdrecord and near-DVD-sized images?,
Greg Troxel
- Mms2mail : +07917 889 001,
Bobbie Raker
- need pics editing?,
- pics editing solutions,
- Linux build problems with dri in graphics/MesaLib,
Matthias Ferdinand
Jonathan Perkin
- wip/xfburn has been removed,
- Apache24 and php56 threadsafe error (again),
Andy Ruhl
- Status of QNX support?,
Jan Danielsson
- Payment Cancellation Form,
- print/tex-tetex checksum errors,
Uwe Klaus
- New pkgsrc user: .exp file format not recognized e,
Ibraheem Saleh
- pkgsrc-2015Q1 binary packages for illumos now avai,
Jonathan Perkin
- renaming emacs-xaw3d to xaw3d (Re: defaults/option,
Makoto Fujiwara
- devel/patch broken build on MacOS X / possible fix,
Alexander Borkowski
- Re: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/p5-FileHandle-Unget,
Makoto Fujiwara
- Re: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/p5-Test-Simple,
Makoto Fujiwara
- Xfce 4.12,
Jonathan Perkin
- libreoffice: "" not found,
carsten . kunze
- libreoffice without java?,
carsten . kunze
- pkgsrc-2015Q1 packages for OS X now available,
Jonathan Perkin
- pkgsrc-security key updated,
Thomas Klausner
- jabberd (1) deletion?,
Greg Troxel
- Build of libreoffice fails,
carsten . kunze
- Compiling webkit-gtk fails,
Marc Baudoin
- asterisk18 broken on i386,
Emmanuel Dreyfus
- devel/rt4 uses --with-my-user-group,
Emmanuel Dreyfus
- devel/gmp illegal text-relocation build error on O,
J. Lewis Muir
- audio/lame fails to build,
Memnon Anon
- Build of devel/boost-libs failes,
carsten . kunze
- tex makeindex not found,
carsten . kunze
- Re: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/p5-Test-Trap,
Makoto Fujiwara
- Re: CVS commit: pkgsrc/x11/qt5-qtmultimedia,
Thomas Klausner
- joe's cement work,
Amparo Saltus
- pkgsrc shirts,
matthew sporleder
- Re: 2015Q1, x11/py27-qt5-5.4nb1 fails to package,
- Re: 2015Q1, x11/py27-qt5-5.4nb1 fails to package,
- Re: 2015Q1, x11/py27-qt5-5.4nb1 fails to package,
Thomas Klausner
- Re: 2015Q1, x11/py27-qt5-5.4nb1 fails to package [,
- 2015Q1, misc/calibre fails to package [now with pa,
- Re: 2015Q1, misc/calibre fails to package [now wit,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- Re: 2015Q1, misc/calibre fails to package [now wit,
- Re: 2015Q1, misc/calibre fails to package [now wit,
Thomas Klausner
- Re: 2015Q1, misc/calibre fails to package [now wit,
- Announcing the pkgsrc-2015Q1 Branch,
Alistair Crooks
- 2015Q1, x11/qt5-qtbase fails to build,
- pbulk best practice for fixing packages that fail ,
J. Lewis Muir
- Font problem while running LaTeX,
carsten . kunze
- Twoje konto email przekroczyles limitu bagazu!!!,
System Admin
- BSDStats v6.0 Released - needs non-FreeBSD testing,
Marc Fournier
- about our photo editing,
- MATE / NetBSD status,
Kamil Rytarowski
- Building firefox on 2015Q1 with fixes,
Emmanuel Dreyfus
- Problems with memtestplus-5.01nb1,
Paul Goyette
- suse,
Patrick Welche
- One more package question - cups,
Paul Goyette
- Problem with libreoffice4,
Paul Goyette
- Creating package: bmake failes,
carsten . kunze
- Error fetching source for creating package,
carsten . kunze
- CFLAGS+=-m32 and lang/gcc46,
Emmanuel Dreyfus
- Compiling misc/libreoffice4 fails,
Marc Baudoin
- Adding Bitrig support,
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