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Re: math/fftw-long / math/fftw-quad broken on Linux as it pulls in math/libquadmath, which is superfluous and broken on Linux

I guess:


On 23.06.2021, at 17:20, Dr. Thomas Orgis <> wrote:

Am Wed, 23 Jun 2021 11:08:48 -0400
schrieb Greg Troxel <>:

Thanks.  Sounds like no blcokers.   Fixing one  package via a pullup is
not a big deal and we have to stop at some point.

Yes. Also the py-numba issue has been fixed by me some time ago
already, typo in PLIST. But for some reason it creeps up on the CentOS
build even after the fix.

$ grep omppoo /[workdir]/math/py-numba/work/.PLIST

This .PLIST has been freshly constructed right now, after cleaning the
workdir, from:

$ grep omppoo PLIST

The old typo is haunting me. I am confused. Anyone seen such before?

Alrighty then,


Dr. Thomas Orgis
HPC @ Universität Hamburg

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