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YES YES YES .. (was: disklabel )

HI all,

You are indeed past all complex things. The N in the hdN:/netbsd boot
string is the number of the Apple_UNIX_SVR2 partition where your root
file system lives. The number typically is >= 9, e.g. on my G4 mac it
is 11. The output of the NetBSD pdisk command shows the number clearly
in the first column.

That is interesting info and it would indeed explain a lot.

As the filesystems where created with the installation CD (i.e. NetBSD kernel), I guess they are based on the "disklabel" boundaries.

This would explain why openfirmware is able to access partition 2 (where the start-of-partition information of the pdisk table and the disklabel do match), but not partition 3.

I'll work on this tomorrow.

Yes yes yes !!!
It works.

Corrected disklabel to have the same boundaries as 'pdisk', recreated the filesystem on the root-partition, reinstalled NetBSD and yes ... it boots!

I did also need to change disklabel to move the root-partition was d to a (and of course adapt /etc/fstab).

So .. I now have NetBSD 9.2 on my mac mini ...

Perhaps this is something that can be added to the INSTALL.txt guide: verify that 'pdisk' and 'disklabel' are identical.

Note: the 'change partition' part of the netbsd installer still crashes when I want write a change to disk. No idea why that is.

This has surely been a very educational exercise!

Thanks for all who helped!

Kristoff Bonne.

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