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Re: disklabel (was: install files on mac UFS partition) mac mini G4)

On Sun, Nov 07, 2021 at 03:45:06PM +0100, Kristoff wrote:
> but as "owfboot" does load and start, my impressium is that are already
> passed that hurdle.
> The question now is "why doesn't ofwboot not find the netbsd kernel?" (that
> is present on the root-partition of the disk!)

You are indeed past all complex things. The N in the hdN:/netbsd boot
string is the number of the Apple_UNIX_SVR2 partition where your root
file system lives. The number typically is >= 9, e.g. on my G4 mac it
is 11. The output of the NetBSD pdisk command shows the number clearly
in the first column.

Check the partition data shown by pdisk and disklabel. Size and offset
of that partition need to match (but I don't think on macppc there is
a way for them to differ, on other architectures this part could go
wrong). Are you sure you created a ffs file system there? You could
check with dumpfs(8).


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