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Re: disklabel (was: install files on mac UFS partition) mac mini G4)
Hi Umberto,
On 07.11.21 15:13, Umberto Cerrato wrote:
Hi K.
Overall I find everything so much confusing.
For example, I do not know why you keep talking about UFS partition.
I gave you a link from a person who successfully installed netbsd on a Mac mini G4. I do not know why you are not following it.
That's what I did, and other simular blogs.
In the problem is, ... for some reason, it doesn't work on my machine.
In the blog you mention, the 4 last lines are:
Drop into the OpenFirmware setup (Command+Option+P+R).
Set boot-device to hd:,ofwboot.xcf.
Set boot-file to netbsd.
And here is the tricky thing to get the machine to auto-boot: Set
boot-command to ." hello" cr " screen" output boot, not mac-boot.
When I do that and I boot my machine, it does load ofwboot, and then
says it cannot find netbsd (i.e. the file "nebsd": the netbsd kernel):
"loading netbsd: no such file or directory".
And I have absolurely no idea why that is.
The only reason I mentioned UFS is because I found some blogs that used
that scenario; ...
but as "owfboot" does load and start, my impressium is that are already
passed that hurdle.
The question now is "why doesn't ofwboot not find the netbsd kernel?"
(that is present on the root-partition of the disk!)
Perhaps installing to many different OSses on the box has somewhere
corrupted something, which makes ofwboot fail somewhere.
(That's why I try to understand how the boot-process of netbsd on a
mac-mini really works)
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