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install files on mac UFS partition (mac mini G4)

Hi all,

I am trying to install netbsd 9.2 (or 9.0) on a mac mini G4.

The box has been running macOSX years ago, then linux (debian) and also FreeBSD, so I do not have access to the mac software.

I would like to try netbsd to see if I get better software support.

The problem I have, if I see it correctly, is the apple openfirmware 3 needs a HFS partition and -for some reason- the netbsd installer does not seems to create that.

In the end, I got the FreeBSD installer to create me a HFS partition, and I have netbsd installed on the 2nd partition.
(in openfirmware, I can do 'dir hd:,\' and see the files)

However, the problem now is that the files on the HFS partition are -of course- the FreeBSD tools (inside hd:,\ppc\...) and no the netbsd files (like 'ofwboot.xcf')

So what would be the best way to correct this,
I was hoping that booting into the shell with the netbsd install ISO CD would allow me to do that, but I do not find the tools to access the HFS partition. (hformat, hcopy, ...)

Is there some sort of 'rescue-disk' I can boot from that allows to do file-operations on the HFS partition? I guess I also need wget or curl to download ofwboot.xcf from some server and it not on the CD image.

While reading the archive of this mailing-list, I found some reference to using a MSDOS partition instead of a HFS partition. What would be the best way to reformat the HFS partition into a MSDOS partition and copy ofwboot.xvf on it?

Any help appreciated.

Cheerio! Kr. Bonne.

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