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Re: Modifying topHeader to merge both navbars

On 01.08.2012 01:04, David Holland wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 03:43:28AM +0200, Jean-Yves Migeon wrote:
>  >> I use a browser around 1000 pixels wide and the "pkgsrc" was wrapped to
>  >> next line (left and below "Home") making a inch tall grey menu area.
>  >> Maybe the "Home" and rest can be moved to the left more.
>  >>
>  >> [...] should be fixed.
> It is not - in my default browser size (900px) the last two of the
> nine entries in the bar end up on the second line. Would it be better
> to use a slightly smaller font in the bar?

I can always go smaller and smaller, and people will still find lower
resolutions where this won't fit :)

Most sites that use columns layout have a min-width declared, NetBSD's
does not. I can declare one but in that case: please provide a minimum
wdith please.

> Also, the ISC logo is still appearing twice. That should be fixed.

It's a side effect of saving the index file through a browser. The
javascript that handles the logos rotations is commented out through
<!-- --> marks and disappears when converting the HTML via a browser.
The logos then appears twice.

It does not appear on my local testing mirror.

> A couple more suggestions:
>  - under "developers" change "projects" to "project list"
>  - under "community" add "list archive" pointing to mail-index
>  - change "pkgsrc" to "packages"

Will do

>  - add cvsweb and releng links for pkgsrc in the pkgsrc/packages menu

cvsweb? What about pointing to then, it's a lot more
user-friendly. I know it's not part of a TNF supported site, as are some
links in the "community" section anyway...

What's the link to releng for pkgsrc? The one from pkgsrc-pmc?

> And, maybe change "ports" to "platforms"? (Otherwise casual passersby
> might be confused by analogy to freebsd ports.) I know we call them
> "ports" and maybe we need to stick to that.

Will do

> However, on the whole it's a vast improvement :-)

That is the purpose :o


FWIW I will update the site tomorrow, so expect layout breakage on the
go, especially for "third party" sites (blog + wiki + few pages that do
not use the XSLT templates. I will migrate them on a page by page basis).

Jean-Yves Migeon

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