Index of tech-userlevel for January, 2016

Carsten KunzeS_IFMT not mentioned in any man page
Steffen NurpmesoRe: S_IFMT not mentioned in any man page
MouseRe: S_IFMT not mentioned in any man page
Carsten KunzeAw: Re: S_IFMT not mentioned in any man page
Steffen NurpmesoRe: S_IFMT not mentioned in any man page
Simon J Gerratysh: Cannot vfork
Thomas KlausnerUTF-8 capable fmt(1)
David YoungRe: UTF-8 capable fmt(1)
Kamil RytarowskiRe: UTF-8 capable fmt(1)
Tom Spindler (moof)Re: UTF-8 capable fmt(1)
Thomas KlausnerRe: UTF-8 capable fmt(1)
Thomas KlausnerRe: UTF-8 capable fmt(1)
Christos Zoulasregsub() proposal
Ken HornsteinRe: UTF-8 capable fmt(1)
MouseRe: UTF-8 capable fmt(1)
Robert ElzRe: regsub() proposal
David HollandRe: regsub() proposal
Kamil RytarowskiRe: UTF-8 capable fmt(1)
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: UTF-8 capable fmt(1)
MouseRe: S_IFMT not mentioned in any man page
Kamil RytarowskiRe: UTF-8 capable fmt(1)
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: UTF-8 capable fmt(1)
Steffen NurpmesoRe: S_IFMT not mentioned in any man page
MouseRe: S_IFMT not mentioned in any man page
Steffen NurpmesoRe: S_IFMT not mentioned in any man page
David HollandRe: S_IFMT not mentioned in any man page
Jonathan A. KollaschRe: Repo size
James K. Lowdenasn1parse & man warts
MouseRe: asn1parse & man warts
James K. LowdenRe: asn1parse & man warts
MouseRe: asn1parse & man warts
Rin OkuyamaRe: build fails with libgnumalloc for evbarm
Kamil RytarowskiRe: build fails with libgnumalloc for evbarm
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: build fails with libgnumalloc for evbarm
Kamil RytarowskiRe: build fails with libgnumalloc for evbarm
Greg Troxelnon-POSIX behavior from wc(1)
Jeremy C. ReedRe: non-POSIX behavior from wc(1)
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: non-POSIX behavior from wc(1)
Thor Lancelot Simonstty erase WTF
Edgar =?iso-8859-1?B?RnXf?=Re: stty erase WTF
Valery UshakovRe: stty erase WTF
Dave HuangRe: stty erase WTF
Michael van ElstRe: stty erase WTF
Michael van ElstRe: stty erase WTF
Ignatios SouvatzisRe: non-POSIX behavior from wc(1)
MouseRe: stty erase WTF
Thor Lancelot SimonRe: stty erase WTF
Greg TroxelRe: stty erase WTF
Michael van ElstRe: stty erase WTF
MouseRe: stty erase WTF
Christos ZoulasRe: stty erase WTF
MouseRe: stty erase WTF
Andrew SmallshawRe: non-POSIX behavior from wc(1)
Christos Zoulas-D_NETBSD_SOURCE makes headers uncompilable
Martin HusemannRe: -D_NETBSD_SOURCE makes headers uncompilable
David HollandRe: -D_NETBSD_SOURCE makes headers uncompilable
Kamil RytarowskiRe: -D_NETBSD_SOURCE makes headers uncompilable
RhialtoRe: -D_NETBSD_SOURCE makes headers uncompilable
Jeff RizzoRe: dtrace by default
Taylor R CampbellRe: dtrace by default
David Youngmonitoring cache performance of user programs?
Edgar =?iso-8859-1?B?RnXf?=Two improvements to etcupdate(8)
Jean-Yves MigeonRe: Two improvements to etcupdate(8)
Edgar FussRe: Two improvements to etcupdate(8)
Jean-Yves MigeonRe: Two improvements to etcupdate(8)
Edgar =?iso-8859-1?B?RnXf?=dbcool, envsys, powerd shutting down my machine
Constantine A. MureninRe: dbcool, envsys, powerd shutting down my machine