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Re: Scripts with PHP shebang & mbedtls (wip/hiawatha)

Kevin Bloom <> writes:

> Hmm, okay. The script is generated (pretty sure it just replaces some
> directories) so would the user would have to build hiawatha to get it.
> Or, are you suggesting that the www/hiawatha-le (or whatever it's called)
> contains just the script that has been copied in after having built
> hiawatha?
> I'm sure there is something to ignore certain files built into pkgsrc,
> right? Or would you just use ${RM} in the post-install phase?

The requirement for hiawatha-foo is basically:

  build as little as possible subject to meeting the rest

  make hiawatha-foo discover php and replace the path

  install only the php script

how you do that can vary.  If configure is used to find php, I'd let
that run.  I would then either add a do-build that just invokes what is
needed, or a BUILD_DIRS (check spelling!) that says which subdirs pkgsrc
should run make in.  Similarly for install, either do-install or a dir
limitation.  As an unpreferred method, yes can overinstall into destdir
and rm but that's icky.

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