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Re: Scripts with PHP shebang & mbedtls (wip/hiawatha)

Kevin Bloom <> writes:

> Yes, makes sense. I wonder if it would be "incorrect" to just install
> the script but not require PHP. Maybe just put something in the MESSAGE?
> (I've haven't read up on what the MESSAGE is for or if this would make
> sense)

To first order, use of MESSAGE is almost always incorrect, period :-)
It is not for what belongs in documentation, and should be limited to
situations where failure to read the info results in persistent
problems.  Here, it's just that running a script will get interpreter
not found, which is resolved by adding it.

IMHO, installing scripts with missing interpreters is not a good thing.
I'm not sure that we prohibit it in the guide, but I lean to saying it
should not happen.  It basically moves dependency management to be

I think it's better to have a split package that depends on php.  Then
when you install that, the package works.

> Oh, that seems like a nice solution. Doesn't seem overly complicated.
> Would the scripts package do something like a meta-package?

meta-package means that the package has no contents, just DEPENDS.  So
no.  It would

  contain the script
  DEPEND on hiawatha
  DEPEND on php (via

so there would need to be a tweak to install and perhaps build to
configure (to find php) and then only install the script.   This is
pretty common.

>> Perhaps, but Hauke has declined to put temporary work in wip, so it's
>> really hard to tell where things are and how close it is.    If your
>> package just doesn't install the script, it might be close to ready or
>> even ready -- I haven't really looked.
> I just don't want to step on any toes. Plus, there are some options
> that I was thinking about adding in and his recipe already does it.
> For example, there is a hiawatha monitor that would make sense as an
> option. That being said, there are other things that still need
> work: CONF_FILES, rc script, & questions about using $PREFIX/var or
> /var).

Sure, but to work together we need things someplace everybody can see
the bits and collaborate.  So updates that aren't promptly into pkgsrc
proper should be in wip.

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