tech-pkg by thread
Thread index
Last updated: Mon Jan 06 20:59:22 2025
Timezone is UTC
- Updating math/mpcomplex,
David Brownlee
- Enabling SSL in pkg_install,
Jason Bacon
- Problem to build audio/rplay (SSP check),
Bernd Ernesti
- Re: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/libusb-compat,
Pierre Pronchery
- pkgsrc'ing Icinga2,
Edgar Fuß
- clang/llvm 6.0.0,
Jonathan Perkin
- mail/postfix: install bin/{mailq,newaliases}?,
Edgar Fuß
- issue with python3 and pathlib in requires.txt (ey,
David Brownlee
Greg Troxel
- linker problem blocking qt5 update,
Mark Davies
- Ruby 2.5.0 has added and life of ruby22,
Takahiro Kambe
- per-package MAKE_JOBS,
David Holland
Alexander Nasonov
- Announcing the pkgsrc-2017Q4 release,
Greg Troxel
- Improve STRIP_DEBUG,
Jonathan Perkin
- Why do we need Python sub-modules?,
- Re: Why do we need Python sub-modules?,
Dr. Thomas Orgis
- Re: Why do we need Python sub-modules?,
- Re: Why do we need Python sub-modules?,
Greg Troxel
- Re: Why do we need Python sub-modules?,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- Re: Why do we need Python sub-modules?,
Adam Ciarciński
- Re: Why do we need Python sub-modules?,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- Re: Why do we need Python sub-modules?,
- Re: Why do we need Python sub-modules?,
Thomas Klausner
- Re: Why do we need Python sub-modules?,
- Re: Why do we need Python sub-modules?,
Thomas Klausner
- Re: Why do we need Python sub-modules?,
Edgar Fuß
- Re: Why do we need Python sub-modules?,
- Re: Why do we need Python sub-modules?,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- Re: Why do we need Python sub-modules?,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- Removing MKCRYPTO,
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