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Re: Perl5 update

JR> This is not true anymore. Packager::Utils will do that for (some)one.
That sounds great.

EF> 2. Someone has to re-do that when modules get added to/removed from Core.
JR> See RE: 1
Oh, it automatically inspects all Makefiles and replaces the outdated 
information with uptdated one? That sounds even better.

EF> 4. What do you write if you need a module that has been removed from Core?
EF>   You can't express a range in PERL5_REQD, do you?
JR> No, in that case always the separate package is referred.
Hm, and if my native Perl still has that module in Core?

EF> 5. Suppose you have a native Perl 5.40 satisfying all requirements but 
EF> lacking the required Foo::Bar module, which is included in pkgsrc's Perl 
EF> 5.42 (and also available in pkgsrc as devel/p5-Foo-Bar).
EF> Then, your approach, contrary to the, as I just learned, deprecated
EF>     DEPENDS+= {perl>=5.42,p5-Foo-Bar>=1.23}:../../devel/p5-Foo-Bar
EF> practise, will pull in the pkgsrc Perl 5.42, not p5-Foo-Bar.
EF> Is that what is desired?
JR> Currently pkgsrc comes with one perl only.
Yes, but in another part of this thread I was told I had to care about 
native (e.g. non-pkgsrc) Perl. I really don't know about that. Do I have 
to care about native Perl or not?

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