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Re: trouble about terminal type when experiencing the process of installing netbsd

å Sat, 25 Apr 2009 12:03:23 +0800ïMalcolm Herbert <> åé:

On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 11:39:10PM +0800, LeiMing wrote:
|Is there anything seems not complete about the installation?

I noted that you didn't use

  tar xvpf <file>

which could mean you lose some permission bits as specified in the tar
file ... which may also explain why su doesn't have the suid bit set.

In this case you may want to run the mtree against your host using the
specification files in /etc/mtree for each tarball you extracted and
identify any differences:

  cd /etc/mtree
  mtree -Wep / -f <file>

If you're confident that mtree is finding everything, you can use

  mtree -Uep / -f <file>

to have it silently update any differences where it can.


OK, now I have done it.
thank you all very much
now I have known more about netbsd (or *nix?) than before


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