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UEFI status? (was Re: GPT/UEFI booting)

 Hi, all.

 A few days ago, I successfully booted from UP board.

UP board's UEFI doesn't support legacy boot. Currently,
our sysinst doesn't support creating UEFI bootable disk,
so I tried creating disk with reading the first mail of
this thread. I couldn't make bootable disk, too. But,
I've noticed the info from doing "gpt show -a sd0"
on a disk which contains images/NetBSD-8.xx.y-1-amd64-uefi-install.img.
A bootable image has a attribute "bootme":

uefi# gpt show -a sd0
      start       size  index  contents
          0          1         PMBR
          1          1         Pri GPT header
          2         32         Pri GPT table
         34      65536      1  GPT part - EFI System
                                 Type: efi
                                 TypeID: c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b
                                 GUID: 64a9158f-099d-442d-9ae4-ddbb6b604114
                                 Size: 32768 K
                                 Label: EFI System
                                 Attributes: None
      65570  122486717      2  GPT part - NetBSD FFSv1/FFSv2
                                 Type: ffs
                                 TypeID: 49f48d5a-b10e-11dc-b99b-0019d1879648
                                 GUID: 63313eee-af70-4e00-90a1-e0443c02ce4d
                                 Size: 59808 M
                                 Label: amd64-current
                                 Attributes: bootme <============ This!
  122552287         32         Sec GPT table
  122552319          1         Sec GPT header


This is what I’ve done so far:
# Create the GPT segments
gpt create -f ld0
gpt add -s 65536 -t efi -l "EFI System" ld0
gpt add -s 525168 -t ffs -l "NetBSD-root" ld0

"gpt set -a bootme -i N(parpahs 2) xx0" is required.

gpt add -s 256000 -t swap -l "NetBSD-swap" ld0
gpt add -s 1024000 -t ffs -l "NetBSD-var" ld0
gpt add -s 16264934 -t ffs -l "NetBSD-usr" ld0
gpt add -t ffs -l "NetBSD-home”
# Initialize the wedges

 To inform this flag, I modified gpt.8 yesterday
(and thanks kre@ fixing typo!)

 After setup my environment, I've noticed that neither
acpidump and nor pkgsrc/dmidecode didn't work. The reason
is that those information are not near the beginning of
the physical address on UEFI environment. For acpidump,
the problem was fixed. Not yet for pkgsrc/dmidecode.

 I've not used grub2. If someone(TM) succeeded booting
with grub2, it would be good to summarize the howto.

 Making sysinst UEFI friendly is important. Could someone
do by 8.0-RELEASE?

                SAITOH Masanobu (

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