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Re: Deciding on wich variant(s) of OpenBLAS library to install

On 03/12/18 14:16, Dr. Thomas Orgis wrote:
Am Mon, 12 Mar 2018 12:48:55 -0500
schrieb Jason Bacon <>:

Trying to make them interchangeable would be somewhat like
trying to make all POSIX operating systems interchangeable, but on a
smaller scale.
This is a bit harsh. Sure, POSIX systems _are_ interchangeable, to some
degree, but the complexities of differing BLAS implementations only
really start once you include parallelization which changes the game in
case you link to an application that also does some kind of

The job of getting serial BLAS interchangeable needs some work, but it
has been done already: Look at Debian.

When you look closer at their libopenblas:


You notice that they have namespaced wrapper libs with the generic name and (they come together nowadays) and
switch among the variants via the alternatives system.

What you also should notice is the libopenblasp file. This is a
parallel build and the parallel variants are not included in the
generic BLAS abstraction at all right now. They did have issues with
libopenblasp switching between OpenMP and pthreads … different things
broke with each of them. The situation is better nowadays, but the
potential for conflict of the paralellization with a host application
or other libs is of course still present. That is why I would not make
a parallel BLAS the default setting. Only the local admin may choose to
do so in the installation, or just choose it in a certain package like
Jason is suggesting. I am stressing that the local admin shall make that
choice, not the packager.

I am not proposing (anymore) that we really go the interchangeable
libblas route in pkgsrc. We don't have to, as pkgsrc can (re)build things
from source. I'd just like my global switch and am fine with offering
all variants of BLAS to the users at the same time for building their
own software.
Had I not said "on a smaller scale", I think it would have been harsh, yes.
But the issues are analogous, as they are with Linux/NetBSD, clang/gcc, libc++/libstdc++, and any other independent attempts to implement the same complex specification. My perspective is based on years of experience rather than the details of the implementations.  There have always been differences in how dependent software functions with different BLAS/LAPACK implementations and my world view will be
altered if that ever changes.

I agree that it would be nice to have a tunable default for
BLAS-agnostic dependent packages, but some dependent packages will
always rely on extensions or performance-enhancing features (e.g.
openmp) of a particular implementation.
Does the pkgsrc framework make this easy? When I introduce the global
variable for the BLAS, would you introduce PKG_OPTIONS.somepacke to
override the default (not including mk/ but
math/ directly when the non-default option is
set)? Or just call bmake once with an overridden setting?
What I envision is a mk/blas interface for agnostic dependents
and the ability for packages to bypass it entirely and go
straight to, say, openblas/

I just wanted to give a little reference of the relative performance we
are talking about here. Computer science folks sometimes can have a
hard time believing that the same basic algorithm can have such huge
performance differences. They're busy counting and sorting the leaves
on their pretty trees while physicists are crunching numbers;-) Getting
some optimized choice of BLAS into pkgsrc (or the option to use an
external one) is an absolute must to be of any use in HPC besides for
simply providing things like Gtk+ or HDF5.
We are in perfect agreement here.

One of the issues this raises is that defaulting to something other than
Netlib BLAS will be necessary to achieve good performance.  But some
applications have issues with OpenBLAS while others have issues with ATLAS.
The packager will become aware of this and should have the ability to select
certain high-performance implementations while blacklisting others. For now
this could be done by just using an implementation directly instead of the mk/blas interface.  We can add features to mk/blas incrementally as time passes - let it
evolve with the available blas packages and need.

Allowing only one BLAS implementation to be installed at a time would
effectively eliminate pkgsrc as a viable deployment tool for
BLAS-dependent software.
Well, unless you bootstrap different prefixes. But you convinced me
that it makes sense and does not have to hurt to install the differing
variants next to each other.
I can tell you with certainty that requiring a whole separate tree just
to get access to another BLAS implementation would be unacceptable to
a lot of HPC users.  Again, flexibility is one of the major concerns.  They want the ability
to easily install and access a wide variety of software.  I've had success
selling the idea of separate trees for different versions of the same package,
but that's about as far as I think we can go.

Alrighty then,


* Actually, I just observed that Netlib LAPACK (which also ships a copy
   of BLAS) by default strips -O3 down to -O2 in a release build. So
   auto-vectorization is not even present. But then, compilers easily
   fail optimizing Netlib stuff and produce broken code. This is a human's
Do you have any data on the performance gains of O3 over O2?
For most programs it's around zero, but if it actually makes a difference
for BLAS, we should deal with this.

PS: We might want to have a separate package for lapack-manpages. They
come in a separate tarball and I didn't see them in openblas.

That may be a good idea.  Is there only one source for open source lapack manpages as far

as you know?



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