Index of port-i386 for February, 2009

Ignatios Souvatzisno ndis* at cardbus?
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: ICH patch for testing
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: ICH patch for testing
Thomas E. SpanjaardRe: ICH patch for testing
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: ICH patch for testing
Martijn van BuulRe: NetBSD and the Intel D945GCLF(2) board..
Ignatios SouvatzisRe: NetBSD and the Intel D945GCLF(2) board..
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: NetBSD and the Intel D945GCLF(2) board..
Jared D. McNeillRe: NetBSD and the Intel D945GCLF(2) board..
Quentin GarnierRe: NetBSD and the Intel D945GCLF(2) board..
D'Arcy J.M. CainRe: NetBSD and the Intel D945GCLF(2) board..
Steven M. BellovinRe: NetBSD and the Intel D945GCLF(2) board..
Mark Ter MorshuizenNetgear FA311 fails to transmit traffic
Andreas WredeRe: Hyperthreading/SMT and NetBSD; how well does it work?
Matthias DrochnerTSC clock going backwards on suspend/resume
Roy MarplesRe: TSC clock going backwards on suspend/resume
Matthias DrochnerRe: TSC clock going backwards on suspend/resume
Roy MarplesRe: TSC clock going backwards on suspend/resume
Aleksej SaushevRe: no ndis* at cardbus?
Ignatios SouvatzisRe: no ndis* at cardbus?
David YoungRe: no ndis* at cardbus?
Andrew DoranDesktop NetBSD needs your help
Steven M. BellovinRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Andy RuhlRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Andrew BallRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Ernesto BasconRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
matthew sporlederRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Jared D. McNeillRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Andrew BallRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Jared D. McNeillRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Andrew DoranRe: Hyperthreading/SMT and NetBSD; how well does it work?
Aleksej SaushevRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
kamel derouicheRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
GobbledegeekRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Herb PeyerlRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
der MouseRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Andy RuhlRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Jeremy C. ReedRe: Two NetBSDs: from Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Michal SuchanekRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Tom SpindlerRe: no ndis* at cardbus?
Pouya D. TaftiRe: Two NetBSDs: from Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Jukka RuohonenRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
der MouseTwo NetBSDs: from Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Matthias DrochnerRe: no ndis* at cardbus?
Antti KanteeRe: Two NetBSDs: from Desktop NetBSD needs your help
der MouseRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Steven M. BellovinRe: Two NetBSDs: from Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Aleksej SaushevRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Quentin GarnierRe: no ndis* at cardbus?
Geert HendrickxRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Andrew Doran*PLEASE READ* Re: Two NetBSDs: from Desktop NetBSD needs your help
der MouseRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
David BrownleeRunning NetBSD from an external USB drive
Aleksej SaushevRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
David SherynRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Anne BennettRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Jared D. McNeillRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Paul GoyetteRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Takahiro Hayashia kludge for RTL8111C
Daniel HoreckiRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Jeremy C. ReedRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Malcolm HerbertRe: Running NetBSD from an external USB drive
Eric HaszlakiewiczRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Dima VeselovRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Alex GoncharovNetBSD vs. FreeBSD [Was: Desktop NetBSD needs your help]
Aleksej SaushevRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Dima VeselovRe: NetBSD vs. FreeBSD [Was: Desktop NetBSD needs your help]
Aleksej SaushevRe: NetBSD vs. FreeBSD
Johnny BillquistRe: *PLEASE READ* Re: Two NetBSDs: from Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Alex GoncharovRe: NetBSD vs. FreeBSD [Was: Desktop NetBSD needs your help]
Dima VeselovRe: NetBSD vs. FreeBSD [Was: Desktop NetBSD needs your help]
Dima VeselovRe: NetBSD vs. FreeBSD
Daniel CarosoneRe: *PLEASE READ* Re: Two NetBSDs: from Desktop NetBSD needs your help
David HollandRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Matthias SchelerRe: Hyperthreading/SMT and NetBSD; how well does it work?
GobbledegeekRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
kamel derouicheRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
kamel derouicheRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
David BrownleeRe: Why is Desktop NetBSD a threat to NetBSD?
Jared D. McNeillRe: Why is Desktop NetBSD a threat to NetBSD?
kamel derouicheRe: Why is Desktop NetBSD a threat to NetBSD ?
D'Arcy J.M. CainRe: NetBSD vs. FreeBSD
Steven M. BellovinRe: Hyperthreading/SMT and NetBSD; how well does it work?
David BrownleeRe: Why is Desktop NetBSD a threat to NetBSD ?
Aleksej SaushevRe: NetBSD vs. FreeBSD
kamel derouicheRe: Why is Desktop NetBSD a threat to NetBSD ?
Ignatios SouvatzisRe: Why is Desktop NetBSD a threat to NetBSD?
Jared D. McNeillRe: Why is Desktop NetBSD a threat to NetBSD?
Ignatios SouvatzisRe: Why is Desktop NetBSD a threat to NetBSD?
Lubomir SedlacikRe: Why is Desktop NetBSD a threat to NetBSD?
David BrownleeRe: Running NetBSD from an external USB drive
David HollandRe: NetBSD vs. FreeBSD
David HollandRe: Why is Desktop NetBSD a threat to NetBSD?
MichaelRe: NetBSD vs. FreeBSD
Jared D. McNeillRe: Why is Desktop NetBSD a threat to NetBSD?
Steven M. BellovinRe: NetBSD vs. FreeBSD
Alex GoncharovRe: NetBSD vs. FreeBSD
Chris RossRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
David BrownleeRe: Why is Desktop NetBSD a threat to NetBSD?
Pouya D. TaftiRe: NetBSD vs. FreeBSD
Arnaud LacombeRe: Why is Desktop NetBSD a threat to NetBSD?
Alex GoncharovRe: NetBSD vs. FreeBSD
Arnaud LacombeRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Michael van ElstRe: NetBSD vs. FreeBSD
Aleksej SaushevRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Matthias SchelerRe: Hyperthreading/SMT and NetBSD; how well does it work?
Michael LitchardRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
RhialtoRe: NetBSD vs. FreeBSD
Alex GoncharovRe: NetBSD vs. FreeBSD
Aleksej SaushevRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Cem KayaliRe: NetBSD vs. FreeBSD
John NemethRe: no ndis* at cardbus?
Pouya D. TaftiFlash plugin [was Re: NetBSD vs. FreeBSD]
David HollandRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Aleksej SaushevRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Johnny BillquistRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
GobbledegeekRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Andrew DoranRe: NetBSD vs. FreeBSD [Was: Desktop NetBSD needs your help]
Andrew DoranRe: Hyperthreading/SMT and NetBSD; how well does it work?
Michal SuchanekRe: NetBSD vs. FreeBSD [Was: Desktop NetBSD needs your help]
Cem KayaliRe: NetBSD vs. FreeBSD [Was: Desktop NetBSD needs your help]
Matthias SchelerRe: Hyperthreading/SMT and NetBSD; how well does it work?
Matthias DrochnerRe: no ndis* at cardbus?
Arnaud LacombeRe: a kludge for RTL8111C
Aleksej SaushevRe: NetBSD vs. FreeBSD
David YoungRe: no ndis* at cardbus?
Andy RuhlRe: Why is Desktop NetBSD a threat to NetBSD?
David LaightRe: Hyperthreading/SMT and NetBSD; how well does it work?
Andreas WredeRe: Hyperthreading/SMT and NetBSD; how well does it work?
Michal SuchanekRe: NetBSD vs. FreeBSD
Takahiro HayashiRe: a kludge for RTL8111C
Andrew DoranWhy firefox crashes [Re: NetBSD vs. FreeBSD]
Quentin GarnierRe: Why firefox crashes [Re: NetBSD vs. FreeBSD]
Midori Greeninexpensive VPS hosting for NetBSD VM's
Kikachi KozumiRe: inexpensive VPS hosting for NetBSD VM's
Kikachi KozumiRe: inexpensive VPS hosting for NetBSD VM's
Midori GreenRe: inexpensive VPS hosting for NetBSD VM's
David BrownleeRe: inexpensive VPS hosting for NetBSD VM's
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: inexpensive VPS hosting for NetBSD VM's
Matthias DrochnerRe: no ndis* at cardbus?
David YoungRe: no ndis* at cardbus?
Daniel BolgheroniRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
John NemethRe: no ndis* at cardbus?
Matthias DrochnerRe: no ndis* at cardbus?
Matthias DrochnerRe: no ndis* at cardbus?
Iain HibbertPCMCIA broken (was Re: no ndis* at cardbus?)
Matthias DrochnerRe: PCMCIA broken (was Re: no ndis* at cardbus?)
Iain HibbertRe: PCMCIA broken (was Re: no ndis* at cardbus?)
Christos ZoulasRe: PCMCIA broken (was Re: no ndis* at cardbus?)
Matthias DrochnerRe: TSC clock going backwards on suspend/resume
Andrew DoranRe: PCMCIA broken (was Re: no ndis* at cardbus?)
Andrew DoranRe: TSC clock going backwards on suspend/resume
Matthias DrochnerRe: TSC clock going backwards on suspend/resume
Andrew DoranRe: TSC clock going backwards on suspend/resume
John NemethRe: PCMCIA broken (was Re: no ndis* at cardbus?)
Daniel BolgheroniRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
Gobbledegeekfile copy errors during install in VBOX
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?J=F6rn_Clausen?=Re: file copy errors during install in VBOX
Giles LeanRe: file copy errors during install in VBOX
Ignatios SouvatzisRe: PCMCIA broken (was Re: no ndis* at cardbus?)
Iain HibbertRe: PCMCIA broken (was Re: no ndis* at cardbus?)
Christos ZoulasRe: PCMCIA broken (was Re: no ndis* at cardbus?)
John NemethRe: no ndis* at cardbus?
John NemethRe: no ndis* at cardbus?
Matthias DrochnerRe: no ndis* at cardbus?
Sverre FroyenRe: no ndis* at cardbus?
Daniel BolgheroniRe: Desktop NetBSD needs your help
John NemethRe: no ndis* at cardbus?
Andrew ReillyRe: Why is Desktop NetBSD a threat to NetBSD?
David BrownleeCheapest NetBSD hosting?
Jared D. McNeillHEADS UP: Framebuffer console support on x86
matthew sporlederRe: HEADS UP: Framebuffer console support on x86
Steven M. BellovinRe: PCMCIA broken (was Re: no ndis* at cardbus?)
Matthias Drochneri386 vs i486, some inconsistencies
Matthias DrochnerRe: TSC clock going backwards on suspend/resume
Andrew DoranRe: TSC clock going backwards on suspend/resume
Matthias DrochnerRe: TSC clock going backwards on suspend/resume
Andrew DoranRe: TSC clock going backwards on suspend/resume
Matthias DrochnerRe: TSC clock going backwards on suspend/resume
SAITOH MasanobuFw: CVS commit: src/sys/dev/pci