Port-amiga by thread
Thread index
Last updated: Thu Mar 27 18:02:17 2008
- A3000 with A2024,
Bruce Albrecht
- Is it safe to write to an ADOS partition in NetBSD,
David W. Talmage
- internet routing problem (pppd),
Alex Johnson
- US mirror of ftp.uni-regensburg.de going down,
Hubert Feyrer
- Bell for X server,
Rob Healey
- Help with NetBSD 1.2.1,
Andy Rittner
- 256 colours still,
Gerhard Heid
- Viewing jpg/gif/whatever on Amiga NetBSD1.2.1? (fw,
- NetBSD PPPd and IPX,
- 256 colours again,
Gerhard Heid
- NetBSD 1.3 ext2fs?,
Inaki Saez
- 256 colours,
Gerhard Heid
- unsubscription,
Calvin Chu
- Printer-config,
Sven Differt
- postgresql,
- Problems with CV643D/ZII,
Peter Reich
- 13-Beta CV643d,
Sven Differt
- idesc.c,
Dimitri Lommers
- 1.3_ALPHA base and comp distrib. problem? Super72 ,
Inaki Saez
- kaffe problems with NetBSD 1.2,
- install-scripts, X11CV643d,
Sven Differt
- New 1.3_BETA snapshot available,
Bernd Ernesti
- [no subject],
Boris Bojic
- Serial console on ser0 during instfs bootup,
Sune Stjerneby
- utils,
Niklas Jonsson
- CV64/3D kernel,
- Re: your health,
Torsten (mac) Buecheler
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