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Re: Printer-config


Am 16-Dez-97 schrieb Matthias Scheler:

>In article <yam7288.600.138458992%>,
>Sven Differt <differt%alpha.fh-furtwangen.de@localhost> writes:
>> I have a HP Deskjet 520 printer. Maybe there is any documentation

>It's not about documentation for the printer. Ignatious refers to the
>documentation for the parallel ports on the Ariadne.

err I misunderstood this :-)

But could I use the Printer connected to the internal parallel port of the
amiga with NetBSD?
What things must I setup?

Sven Differt

Mail:  Sven Differt: <differt%alpha.fh-furtwangen.de@localhost>
Talk:  <guybrush%ghb.fh-furtwangen.de@localhost>
Phone: 07754 (1794)
A4000T,32MB,CS 060/50,Cybervision 64/3D,OS3.1,Ethernet,SCSI HD/CD/ZIP

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