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13-Beta CV643d


thirst of all my system works fine now under 1.3. One thing to the CV64/3d
driver: It seems that under X11 appears a white vertical line at the right
screen border (I tried twm and fvwm95). It´s about 2 or 3 pixels strong. I
don´t know if this is a problem with the CV64/3d driver or could it be my
grfmode file? This isn´t a serious problem but it doesn´t look good
(especially on dark screens, like with xlock).
Besides this I have no problem with the CV64/3d.

I would like to know if there are other software resources for NetBSD/Amiga
than the NetBSD-Mirrors with their contrib-dirs.


Mail:  Sven Differt: <differt%alpha.fh-furtwangen.de@localhost>
Talk:  <guybrush%ghb.fh-furtwangen.de@localhost>
Phone: 07754 (1794)
A4000T,32MB,CS 060/50,Cybervision 64/3D,OS3.1,Ethernet,SCSI HD/CD/ZIP

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