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Re: dual CPU system hangs

On 07/19/13 20:53, Christos Zoulas wrote:
In article <51E98526.4000702%groessler.org@localhost>,
Christian Groessler  <chris%groessler.org@localhost> wrote:
On 07/19/13 19:27, Christos Zoulas wrote:
In article <51E9498A.9070305%groessler.org@localhost>,
Christian Groessler  <chris%groessler.org@localhost> wrote:
On 07/17/13 17:08, Christos Zoulas wrote:
In article <51E66514.5080600%groessler.org@localhost>,
Christian Groessler  <chris%groessler.org@localhost> wrote:
Is there a way to enter DDB with an USB keyboard? In the FAQ I only
found a way with an ADB keyboard (Command-Option-Power)?
Looks like you are running out of memory. Can you print stack traces
from ddb of the two processes that are stuck in xchicv (cross-call).

This brings us back to my original question (see above) :-)
Well, ddb from usb is not really working ATM for any platform. You definitely
can't recover once you enter it (because of locking issues), and sometimes
on my amd64 entering it produces an unresponsive keyboard. So I would say no.

Ok, but there is a way to get into ddb? How did you do it on your amd64?
I don't need to recover and if I can manage to get the stack traces it
would be ok, otherwise...

The other solution would be a serial console I guess.

... the machine only has a phone (modem) socket on the outside. Don't know
if I could connect a RS232 cable somehow in the inside.
A serial PCI card would be handy, I have one, but I think it's broken.


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