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Re: dual CPU system hangs

On 07/19/13 19:27, Christos Zoulas wrote:
In article <51E9498A.9070305%groessler.org@localhost>,
Christian Groessler  <chris%groessler.org@localhost> wrote:
On 07/17/13 17:08, Christos Zoulas wrote:
In article <51E66514.5080600%groessler.org@localhost>,
Christian Groessler  <chris%groessler.org@localhost> wrote:
Is there a way to enter DDB with an USB keyboard? In the FAQ I only
found a way with an ADB keyboard (Command-Option-Power)?
Looks like you are running out of memory. Can you print stack traces
from ddb of the two processes that are stuck in xchicv (cross-call).

This brings us back to my original question (see above) :-)


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