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Re: scsi freezing problem with NetBSD current

On Thu, 30 Oct 2008, T. Makinen wrote:

Differences at least are that TT is able to use DMA to TT-ram (NO_TTRAM_DMA
undefined at atari5380.c), but with Falcon only DMA to ST-ram is enabled: in
falcon_wrong_dma_range, memory range is always checked regardless of
        Hmm, that is consistent with Michael's comment that the
        original Falcon CPU only had 23 address lines and DMA would be
        limited to <16MB

Lots of nice things to do with NetBSD/Atari port :) In my view working
installer would be _very_ good thing for now. I'm sure that more people will
use NetBSD if installation of latest version is possible. NetBSD is very
tempting alternative OS for CT60/63 boosted Falcons :)
        Well, the NetBSD source tree is about to branch for 5.0, so now
        is a great time to get issues fixed for the next release :)

                David/absolute       -- www.NetBSD.org: No hype required --

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