pkgsrc-Users by thread
Thread index
Last updated: Wed Dec 18 09:41:39 2024
Timezone is UTC
- Re: www/firefox fails to compile for me, (continued)
- devel/snappy fails to compile (needed for qemu),
- mail/neomutt and mail/mutt don't need to CONFLICT?,
Michael-John Turner
- nodejs compilation error,
- devel/SDL2 on Mac OS X 10.15.x (Darwin 19.4.x),
Paul Ripke
- lang/ghc88 [2020Q1]: undefined reference to `libic,
Matthias Petermann
- webkit-gtk fails on Linux: *** No rule to make tar,
Ottavio Caruso
- go114 patch,
Chavdar Ivanov
- Warning build p5-HTTP-Daemon,
Mike Pumford
- mutt doesn't find db4 though it is present,
- openssl 1.1.1e and comms/kermit,
- Announcing the pkgsrc-2020Q1 release,
Jonathan Perkin
- New maintainership and location for html2text,
Martin Bayer
Mail converted by MHonArc