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Re: x11 clashes of base and pkg [Was Re: Confusing versioning scheme of freetyp2?]

Ian D. Leroux wrote:

> I've never seen such a problem and I always use X11 from base, so you
> and I are doing something differently. Are you combining binary
> packages you downloaded with packages built locally from source?

I'm gonna put this simpler: forget about compiling from the local tree,
I'm talking about using only binary packages from the repo. Imagine you
just installed NetBSD with X11 from the iso, and have a clean new
system. Now you want to install, for example, xfce4. This package will
pull lots of dependencies, one of which is libX11. But you already
have libX11, in /usr/X11R7/lib, from the base. There are similar
libraries to libX11, like Xft, Xinerama, fontconfig etc., names don't
matter. My point is: Xorg binary packages from the repository are
linked against both pkgsrc and base libraries.

I myself compile everything but use modular xorg, and noticed this
when I first tried using base X11 three or four years ago, which I
haven't tried ever since. NetBSD for me has always been a DIY thing,
with its, pkgsrc and insane default options for packages.
Trying to use base Xorg coupled with precompiled packages added on top
of that. Please take no offense.


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