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Re: ${PYPKGPREFIX}- for package names (and wip/py-buildbot)

On 15/07/2009 12:34 AM, Greg Troxel wrote:
The issues being discussed is that there are some packages that install
files in a python-version-specific directory, but don't have a pyXY-
prefix, and most people think that's a bug.

I see. I guess in some instances for identification purposes that could be an issue.

Your issue is one I've encountered and is a bug/not-yet-implemented
feature in pkg_chk, make replace or pkg_rolling-replace.  As an example,
there is a package py25-foo installed, with the default python version
set to 26.  pkg_chk reports that this package is out of date, perhaps
because 25/26 or perhaps because it's been updated (on the package
version side).  Then pkg_rolling-replace calls 'make replace', and it
finds PKGPATH from the installed package, and builds py26-foo, and when
it tries to deinstall py26-foo fails because it wasn't ever there.

Yeah, that's the one. Indiscriminate removal and updating to the latest version installed + failure.

I think the fix is (some of this may be ok already):

   make pkg_chk understand pyNN-foo-X.Y, in that such packages are out of
   date only if foo is at other than X.Y, even if NN

   make the way make replace checks for old versions also respect this

   that might be it, but pkg_rolling-replace might need some fixes too.
   Perhaps an option to add packages pyPVD-foo if that doesn't exist and
   there is a pyOV-foo.  Or perhaps only if one is changing the default
   version of python.  Presently changing the default version is messy.

I wish there wasn't a 'default version' and more of an 'installed versions' option. Having just a 'default version' seems to assume to much. Despite having to specify a default version, I've never considered any python version to be my default and it always feels like a bit of a juggling act.

Thanks for the clarification btw, sorry for going ot.


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