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Re: X on 10.0 RC1 is unusable on my laptop

On Thu, Nov 23, 2023 at 04:45:20PM +1030, Brett Lymn wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 22, 2023 at 08:34:22PM +0000, Mike Pumford wrote:
> > 
> > And translated it into the patch attached to this message. A kernel with
> > this patch boots and runs X successfully Still see a little bit of cache
> > tearing but its better than it was on 9.x (and there are some other patches
> > I've found that might address those).
> > 
> Yes! This makes X work for me too.  I had gone down the rabbit hole of
> trying to get the drmkms to apply the workarounds for gen 8 to my gen 7
> GPU in the hope that it would work - it did once but never again.  I
> still have those work arounds applied, there are only a couple that are
> reported to not stick but I haven't noticed any issues yet.  Suspend and
> resume works.
> Oddly, the backlight comes up at minimum brightness on resume but
> intel_backlight from pkgsrc sorts that.
> I can clean up the debug rubbish and send a diff if you are interested
> to try to see if that fixes the artifacts you are seeing.

Great! Please send the patches too the in order
for the patches to be seen by the developers concerned and with write
access to the cvs.

        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ kergis +dot+ com>
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