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Re: Checking out src with Mercurial

Sad Clouds <> writes:

>> The idea of having to build rust to get a "less resource demanding
>> implementation" would be great comedy if it weren't such a serious
>> problem.
> The Mercurial developers have an opinion that it is very difficult to
> develop and maintain reliable software in C. So the search goes on for
> the silver bullet - Python, Rust, Go, etc.

Sure - but my point is that rust is extremely difficult to deal with,
and is basically impossible on low-resource machines or unusual
architectures.  For those who haven't been following along, there has
been basicallya continuous tale of woe in pkgsrc-land for the last 6
months at least, and perhaps that's fairly said to be multiple years.

So the idea that Johnny can build rust on his vax and then use some
hg-rust on it would be laughable, if it didn't point out that the people
deciding to use rust appear not to care about anything other than a
handful of OS/CPU types.

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