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Checking out src with Mercurial (was: cvs better than git?)

Good Morning all,

Last night I took a try and wanted to clone the src Mercurial repository.

Shortly before putting the children to bed I issued the following command:

mpeterma@x220Mk2$ hg clone
Zielverzeichnis: src

The actual transfer of the change sets via the network only seemed to take about half an hour. What happened afterwards seemed to use up the CPU very much and never came to an end on the same evening. This morning - about 11 hours later - the process still seems to be very busy. The computer literally boils, a Python process hangs on 100% and consumes 2 GB of RAM. And there is still no end in sight:

applying clone bundle from
Füge Änderungssätze hinzu
Füge Manifeste hinzu
Füge Dateiänderungen hinzu

I have now stopped the attempt. Cloning the comparable repository via Git took about as long as it took me to write this email.

After this experience, I actually only have one question about SCM for NetBSD: What are other requirements besides the subjective perception of usability that the NetBSD project places on its core SCM? Especially with regard to the performance data for the typical use cases. For me, NetBSD is the slimmest of the BSD Unix-like operating systems, which is particularly suitable for less powerful computers due to its excellent support of different architectures. One of the advantages of NetBSD for me has always been that the largest possible part of the developer workflow can also run on less well-equipped computers. My first Intel PC was a 386DX20 from Compaq, which I got in 1995 from a friend, whom I helped as an apprentice to build his house. I had no money for something better and still had my first experience with Linux on this device, since all essential components of the development system (kernel, base, compiler, debugger) were roughly synchronous with regard to your requirements. That seems to be shifting more and more these days. The product (kernel, base) also runs on slow computers, with the rest more and more compromises are permitted. If it brings a really overwhelming benefit, that's okay too. But in the area of ​​SCM, where apparently there is great subjectivity, there are different tastes, and there is a clear preference in the entire open source community, such factors should also be taken into account. For me, Mercurial's performance is unacceptable. What are your experiences with it? Or maybe I just have a configuration problem? It shouldn't be on the computer - Thinkpad X220 with i5 and 8 GB RAM.

Kind regards

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