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Re: cvs better than git?

On 2020-06-18 00:06, Andreas Krey wrote:
On Wed, 17 Jun 2020 16:08:17 +0000, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
All those upvotes DO NOT indicate a good question. They indicate a
broken design.

They indicate a unixy design - it is *much* more simple and especially
open than, say, subversion.

Even the simplest of tasks are difficult to impossible
with Git.

Er, sorry. It is subversion where the answer to 'how do I do X'
usually is 'you should have done Y earlier' (and where cvs makes
you not even get the idea to ask the question in the first place).

None of the questions you quoted has 'you can't' as an answer, and most
have an answer that is shorter than the stackoverflow url of the question.

My position is, avoid Git if possible. It is a time sink that takes
time away from real work.

You mean unlike svn where you need a weird explanation ('mixed revision') why
'svn log .' doesn't show the commit you just made with 'svn commit filename'? :-)

Granted, there are two groups of users: Those that wants to know about and deal
with version control as little as possible (and in extremis just leave their
workspace, and let others do the commits), and those that *use* git because
there are lots of ways it can help that simply don't exist in other vcses.

To the latter, git is a godsent, to the former gitless is probably a good idea,
and the pertinent xkcd rings true.

This is very subjective, not to mention very different based on past experience, usage patterns and what not.

For me, I have no problem at all understanding what CVS or SVN does. I have used about 10 other version control systems in my life so far as well.

And for me, none of them come close to the obscurity and brokenness of git. I have had several git fanatics throw their hands up in despair when trying to figure out what has broken when I managed to get git into some strange state, and eventually capitulate and just tell me to wipe it all and start over.

In combination with tools to do code reviews and management of a central repository (using gerrit in my case) has only made it even worse.

So no. I totally do not agree with your characterizations. In fact, I would rather say that if you don't understand what CVS or SNV does, then that probably reflects more on you than anything else. And if you think you know how git works, and does things, then you clearly have a bright future in consulting, since so many people seem to have problems with it.


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                                  ||  on a psychedelic trip
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