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Re: Proxy server, mode intercept on NetBSD 7.0.1

2016-08-03 2:16 GMT-05:00, Christos Zoulas <>:
> In article
> <>,
>  <> wrote:
>>Me butthurt?  That's comical.  You just wrote the most butthurt email
>>I've ever seen on the mailing lists, and that's saying something.
>>My point, and I think it was pretty clear, is that NetBSD has long been
>>stable for me but suddenly requires an uncharacteristic amount of fixing
>>for a stable release.  I have the crash dumps to prove it.  If this
>>thread is any suggestion, I'm not the only one with ipfilter woes.
>>You seem to take personal offense to this revelation and went full-on
>>Internet Tough Guy(TM).  That's the definition of butthurt.   Why do you
>>find this so personally insulting?  Perhaps you should talk it through
>>with a therapist.  It may help you.
> Well, I have been trying to fix some of the ipf issues on 7 with some
> success.

Thanks you!

> I think that the problem is that most of us have switched to npf, and so
> ipf

In my case I will try to use the npf to do my router, firewall and
proxy in my LANs networks

> is not getting a lot of testing. Perhaps you can try switching too? I
> prefer
> that you switch, and we are willing to help you do so, rather than spending
> time to fix ipf.

Thanks again, I think that some users need examples, similar to The
NetBSD Network FAQ. to use npf, currently I am reading the, I
hope to understand all, and use in my scenary.

> christos

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