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Re: Web browser: stuck with Opera-9.62

On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 04:22:25AM +0100, Magnus Eriksson wrote:
> >Chromium is an abominium based on WebKit which is a terrible beast. 
> >Firefox and Seamonkey are actually quite nice to use, but since they rely 
> >on GTK2 stuff the maze of dependencies is incredible
> Is WebKit really that bad?  I've been meaning to check out www/midori, 
> which from what I can tell seems to be a relatively lightweight browser 
> that still does everything I need (ad blocking, user scripts, etc); and it 
> is built on WebKit.

I've tried using "dwb" (a dwm-inspired webbrowser) for a while, along with
midori as a fallback for when it didn't work.  Both are Webkit-GTK-based.
I ended up switching back to Gecko again because it turned out that
webkit-gtk itself is extremely unstable (just loading the site
crashed the browser almost consistently).

There also were a lot of issues with libsoup (which webkit-gtk uses to
speak HTTP), which dwb's author acknowledged and said he couldn't do
anything about (though for some reason I think it was more stable for
him?  Possibly it's only unstable on amd64)

> (And it uses GTK2 too, so I suppose that's a negative.  But GTK is one of 
> those things that you seem to always end up with anyway, when you start 
> pulling in "desktop stuff".)

I hear webkit-qt is supposed to be more stable. Of course that's many
times worse than GTK :)

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